t BN的制备和结晶转化行为 - Journal of Northeastern University.PDF

t BN的制备和结晶转化行为 - Journal of Northeastern University.PDF

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t BN的制备和结晶转化行为 - Journal of Northeastern University.PDF

第29 卷第1期 东 北 大 学 学 报 ( 自 然 科 学 版 ) Vol29, No. 1 2 00 8 年 1 月 Journal of Northeastern U ni ersity( Natural Science) Jan. 2 0 0 8 -t BN 袁 磊, 于景坤 ( , 110004) : , 900 t-BN( turbostratic boron nitride) XRD t-BN h-BN , SEM , : , t-BN h-BN , 1 300 h-BN : ; ; t-BN ; ; ; : T B 321 : A : 1005-3026( 2008) 01-0093-04 Preparation and Crystalline Transition Behavior of Turbostratic Boron Nitride Y UA N L ei , Y U Jing-k un ( School of Materials Metallurgy, Northeastern Uni ersity , Shenyang 110004, China. Correspondent: YUAN Lei, E-mail: quainty @ 126. com) Abstract: Turbostratic boron nitride pow der w as prepared with boric acid and urea used as raw materials in nitrogen ( N ) gas flow at 900 by tw o-step method. The transition beha ior of t- 2 BN to h-BN at different temperature w ith different additi es was in estigated by XRD, and SEM w as used to analyze the morphologies of t-BN/ h-BN pow der particles. Specific surface area of the pow der w as also measured under different conditions. The results show ed that the transition of t- BN to h-BN gets better increasingly w ith temperature rising and more additi e contents, but the specific surface area and acti ity decrease. The w ell crystallized h-BN w as thus obtained at 1 300 . Key words: boric acid; urea; turbostratic boron nitride; preparation; crystallization; transition BN , t-BN [3] t-BN , [ 1]



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