Arm and Gripper Programming Guide (ROBOTC(手臂和钳子编程指南(ROBOTC).pdf

Arm and Gripper Programming Guide (ROBOTC(手臂和钳子编程指南(ROBOTC).pdf

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Arm and Gripper Programming Guide (ROBOTC(手臂和钳子编程指南(ROBOTC)

TETRIX® Getting Started Guide Extensions ® Arm and Gripper Programming Guide (ROBOTC ) Introduction: In this guide, the Ranger Bot will be programmed to follow a line, pick up an object, and put it in a box. This guide is for use with the ROBOTC® programming language. Getting Started: 1. To start the program, type the Main Task function, followed by an opening brace. task main() { Defining Variables: 2. Declare five integer variables as seen in the code below. Beside each variable below, there are two slashes (//) followed by w t v i r T m a c N t c a i g w c i t i hat hat ariable s epresenting. hese ark omment. otice hat omments ppear n reen hen ode s yped nto ROBOTC. Note: A comment is not part of the code that the NXT brick will execute, but it helps the programmer by allowing notes to be added to describe what has been done. int nValue; // light value int mValue; // sonar value int aPosition; // servo arm position int gPosition; // gripper servo position int mSpeed; // motor speed 3. Type the Wait function and set it to wait 50 milliseconds to allow the robot to initialize motors and sensors. wait1Msec(50); 4. Type the servo position command to initialize the position of both servos. This must be set to a value between 0 and 255, epresenting osition etween ° nd 80°. hi



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