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装 备 环 境 工 程 第 13 卷 第 3 期 ·82 · EQUIPMENT ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2016 年 06 月 热解碳微观结构调控与纳米压痕测试 房金铭,冯志海,张中伟 (航天材料及工艺研究所 先进功能复合材料技术重点实验室,北京 100076) 摘要:目的 研究前驱体种类对热解碳结构的影响及热解碳的性能。方法 以甲烷为主要前驱体,添加 5%丙烯,在碳布缝合预制体上进行沉积实验,对所得具有不同结构热解碳的样品进行纳米压痕测试。 结果 添加丙烯降低了实验温度,所得沉积效率仍高于纯甲烷,所得热解碳结构在不同时期有所差异。 纤维束内部的热解碳结构对材料的整体性能影响较大,当纤维表面为ISO 结构热解碳时,纤维束内硬 度和模量偏高,分别为3.96 GPa 和32.0 GPa ,断裂模式为脆性断裂;当纤维表面为RL 结构热解碳时, 纤维束内的强度和模量偏低,分别为1.93 GPa 和19.7 GPa,断裂模式为假塑性断裂。结论 前驱体的种 类对热解碳的结构影响较大,所得材料性能具有较大差异。 关键词:前驱体;热解碳;微观结构;纳米压痕 DOI :10.7643/ issn.1672-9242.2016.03.013 中图分类号:TJ04 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-9242(2016)03-0082-06 Micro-structure Control of Pyrocarbon and Nano Indentation Test FANG Jin-ming, FENG Zhi-hai, ZHANG Zhong-wei (Aerospace Materials and Technology Research Institute, Science and Technology on Advanced Functional Composites Labora- tory, Beijing 100076, China) ABSTRACT: Objective To study the influence of precursor for the pyrocarbon texture and the property of pyrocarbon. Method Methane was used as the main precursor, and deposition experiment was conducted on carbon cloth stitched preform after add- ing 5% propylene. After that, nano indentation experiment was performed for the deposited pyrocarbon samples with different textures. Results It was found that higher deposition efficiency was got at lower experiment temperature when propylene was added as compared to pure methane, and different pyrocarbon texture was obtained at different stages. The hardness and mod- ulus of different samples were measured by the nano indentation method. It was found th


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