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6 1 ( ) Vol16 No1 1 2 0 0 4 1 J O URNAL OF HI T( SOCIAL SCI EN CES EDI TI ON ) Jan . , 2004 : 1009- 1971( 2004) 01- 0078- 05 ( 哈尔滨师范大学, 黑龙江哈尔滨 150080) ( 广东外语外贸大学, 广东 广州510420) : 春秋时代的中国社会是一个城邦社会中国古代的城邦 其自身的特征, 目前学界的分歧主要 源于是否以希腊城邦为标准及其对城邦涵义理解的差异中国春秋时代的城邦具 自身的特殊性, 其既具 希腊城邦社会的一些特征, 又 基于春秋社会现实的地域构成社会阶层方面的特点 : 春秋; 城邦; 特征 : D691 : A Characteristics of the city- state in Spring and Autumn period WANGM Xiu- hen, CHEN Yan- hui ( Harbin Normal University, Heilongjiang Harbin 150080, China) ( Guangdong U niversity of Foreign Studies, Guangdong Guangzhou 510420, China) Abstract: In re ent years there are different arguments on erning how to define a ity - state in a ademia and these different arguments w ere mainly about whether the ity - state of Gree e should be taken as the standard and how to understand the on ept of a ity - state. China was a ity- state in Spring and Autumn period, whi h shared some features w ith that of Gree e, but had some spe ial hara teristi s of its ow n. These hara teristi s refle t some aspe ts of the so ial organizations and formation of so ial lasses in the Spring and Autumn period. Key words : Spring and Autumn period, ity - state, An ient Gree e / , 1 / 0/ 0 / , , 0 ? ) ) ) / POKIs0 0[ 1] ) ) ) 56 / POKIs0 , / 0[2] , / / polis0 , / ity- state0 , / 0(5 6 ) 0 , / 0 , , ,


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