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10 3 . 10 . 3 Vo l N o 2003 9 Resear ch o f Soil and Water Con serv ation Sep. , 200 3 1 1 2 徐海鹏, 任明达, 孔繁德 ( 1. , 100871 2 . , 0 66000) : 20 80 , , : : P 578. 494: A : 1005-34 09 ( 2003) 0 3-0008-05 Research of the Quartz Sand Surface Texture on the Qinhuangdao Intertidal Zone 1 1 2 XU Hai-peng , REN M ing-da , K O N G Fan -de ( 1. I ns tit ute of E nv ir onment , P eking Univ er sity , B eij ing 100871, China 2. School of E nv ir onment Conserv at ion f or Cadr es, Qinh uang dao 066000 H e bei , China) Abstract: In the lat e of the 1980s, the scanning elect ro n m icro sco py w a s u sed in t he resear ch o f the qu ar tz sand sur f ace tex - tures o n t he Qinhu angdao inter tidal zo ne. T he r esearch show s th at the co ast is under m ar ine er osin and the tr en sg r essio n is tend t o g ro w and also , this co nclosio n is tot ally identical w ith the r esea rch of g eomo rpholog y a nd Q ua ternar y. Key words: scanning electr on m icr osscro py inter tidal zone quar tz sand surf ace tex tur es , [ 1] 20 60 , , 1 , [ 25] 1. 1 , , 20 60 80 ( 1) , ( ) ( 5) A I I I , ,


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