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3 No. 3 2008 6 M ICROPROCE SSORS Jun. , 2008 Verilog BCD 3 1 2 邵东瑞 , 金 迪 ( 1. 东软派斯通医疗系统有限公司, 沈阳 110179; 2. 辽宁省医疗器械产品质量监督检验所, 沈阳 110179) : BCD码和 3码是串行通讯中比较常见的两种编码方式, 二者的转换在不同的通讯 场合中也经常用到, 文章主要介绍二者之间的关系并用V erilog 语言实现了二者之间的转换 : BCD码; 3码; 有限状态机; 状态转移图 : TN : B : 1002- 2279( 2008) 03- 0051- 02 The Conversions Betw een BCD Codes and Excess- 3 Codesw ith V erilog 1 2 SHAO Dong- ru i, JIN D i ( 1. N eusof t P ositron M ed ical System s Co. , L td. , ShenYang 110179, Ch ina; 2. L iaoning M ed ical D evice Quality Su ervision and Test Institute, Shenyang 110179, China) A bstract: BCD codes and Excess - 3 codes is tw o k inds of populated codes in serial data, The conversions of the wt o codes is very popu lated in serial commun ications. Th is paper gives a brief introduction of the conversions of the two w ith V erilog. K ey w ords: BCD codes; Excess- 3 codes; FSM ( finite state machine); STG( state transition graph) 1 2 BCD 3 Verilog 3, , 3 9, Verilog FSM ( : ( STG); ) : 7 3 1010, ; ! (); ∀ 0101, 2 3 V erilog; # 3 BCD 1( 10 ( ) 1, 2. 1 ( STG) 9), FSM BCD 3 1 ( 1) BCD 3, , 3 1 BCD 3 1 BCD 3 BCD 3 0 0000 0011 1 0001 0100 2 0010 0101 3 0011 0110


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