Decomposition Processes in the Anomalous (分解流程异常).pdf

Decomposition Processes in the Anomalous (分解流程异常).pdf

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Decomposition Processes in the Anomalous (分解流程异常)

Vol. 122 (2012) ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A No. 3 Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Physics of Materials, Prague, September 48, 2011 Decomposition Processes in the Anomalous Supersaturated Solid Solution of Binary and Ternary Aluminium Alloys Alloyed with Sc and Zr A.L. Berezina, T.O. Monastyrska , O.A. Molebny, V.K. Nosenko and A.V. Kotko Institute for Metal Physics of the NAS of Ukraine, 36 Vernadsky Blvd., 03680 Kyiv, Ukraine Decomposition of supersaturated solid solution of aluminium alloys alloyed with Sc and Zr have been studied in the work. The binary hypereutectic AlSc alloys, hyperperitectic AlZr alloys and ternary AlScZr alloys were chosen. Alloys were obtained by the melt-spinning. Melts were quenched from temperatures of ◦C and ◦C. The crystallization of anomalously supersaturated solid solution ( ◦C) or the crystallization with the formation of fan structure ( ◦C) are possible. The decomposition of anomalously supersaturated solid solution is continuous, with the precipitation of nanosized spherical Al X (X = Sc, Zr) particles. The loss of thermal stability of AlSc alloys is due to the loss of coherence of the strengthening Al Sc phase. In AlZr alloys the loss of strength is due to the formation of a stable tetragonal -ordered Al Zr phase. After co-alloying of Al by Sc and Zr a bimodal grained structure was observed for the hypereutectic ternary alloy



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