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DCT域视频图像转码的下采样算法 DCT Domain Video Transcoding Downscaling Algorithms
!# 年第$ 期
文章编号:100 1 - 893X(2006 )04 - 0073 - 06
DCT 域视频图像转码的下采样算法!
(广西大学 计算机与电子信息学院,南宁530004 )
摘 要:研究了DCT 域视频图像转码的下采样算法,包括DCT 域帧内编码帧I 帧的两种下采样算
法———线性内插法和DCT 系数截断法,以及DCT 域帧间编码帧P 帧的下采样算法———DCT 域反运
动补偿和DCT 域运动补偿算法。对stefan 视频序列第一帧(I 帧)分别采用两种下采样算法进行转
码下采样,通过峰值信噪比(PSNR )值的比较说明线性内插法转码下采样的效果要优于DCT 系数截
断法。采用DCT 域反运动补偿算法实现在DCT 域重构stefan 视频序列第四帧(P 帧)的帧内数据。
关键词:视频图像;DCT ;转码;下采样;DCT 域反运动补偿;DCT 域运动补偿
中图分类号:TN911. 73 ;TN919 . 81 文献标识码:A
DCT Domain Video Transcoding Downscaling Algorithms
WANG Guo - zhong ,OIN Tuan -f a ,TANG Zhen - hua
(Cohhege of Computer and Ehectronic Information ,Guangxi University ,Nanning 530004 ,China )
Abstract :DCT domain video transcoding downscahing ahgorithms are investigated ,inchuding intra frame (I
frame )downscahing—hinear interpohation and DCT coefficient decimation and inter frame (such as P
frame )downscahing—inverse motion compensation and motion compensation on the DCT domain . Linear
interpohation and DCT coefficient decimation are used for downscahing the first frame of Stefan video se-
guence (I frame ). Linear interpohation is better than DCT coefficient decimation comparing with their Peak
Signah - to - Noise Ratio(PSNR ). Rebuihding the fourth frame of Stefan video seguence(P frame )is reah-
ized by using inverse motion compensation.
Key words :video image ;DCT ;transcoding ;downscahing ;DCT Inverse motion compensation ;DCT motion
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