基于电流偏差均值控制特性的高压直流输电线路纵 - 中国电机工程学报.pdf

基于电流偏差均值控制特性的高压直流输电线路纵 - 中国电机工程学报.pdf

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基于电流偏差均值控制特性的高压直流输电线路纵 - 中国电机工程学报

第36 卷 第8 期 中 国 电 机 工 程 学 报 Vol.36 No.8 Apr. 20, 2016 2016 年4 月20 日 Proceedings of the CSEE ©2016 Chin.Soc.for Elec.Eng. 2159 DOI :10.13334/j.0258-8013.pcsee.2016.08.015 文章编号:0258-8013 (2016) 08-2159-09 中图分类号:TM 77 基于电流偏差均值控制特性的 高压直流输电线路纵联保护新原理 刘琪,宋国兵 (西安交通大学电气工程学院,陕西省 西安市 710049) A Novel Pilot Protection for HVDC Transmission Lines Using Mean Current Error Control Characteristics LIU Qi, SONG Guobing (School of Electrical Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, Shaanxi Province, China) ABSTRACT: Currently used high voltage direct current 容电流补偿,并且充分利用了直流输电系统的控制特性。和 (HVDC) transmission line pilot protections are not fully adapt 纵联差动保护相比,所提原理拥有相同的耐过渡电阻能力, to the influence of converter control characteristics. Fault 原理上无需暂态闭锁,动作速度快。和现有的纵联保护原理 characteristics of the average value of the PI controlled current 相比,所提原理动作区间长,可靠性高。数字仿真验证了所 error in both ends converters were analyzed. Internal and 提方法的完备性和可靠性。 external faults are distinguishable by identifying the 关键词:高压直流;输电线路;纵联保护;电流偏差;控制 characteristic inequalities which consist with both ends average 特性;故障特征 current errors. Using the characteristic inequalities and the relationship between current error and current order in HVDC 0 引言 control system, a novel pilot protection scheme was proposed. 高压直流(high voltage direct current,HVDC) The proposed protection principle is simple, and does not 输电具有传输功率大,线路造价低,控制方式灵活 require distributed capacitance compensation, and also 等特点,在远距离大容量输电、交流系统异步


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