2017 婚礼套餐pdf - 上海外滩华尔道夫酒店.PDF

2017 婚礼套餐pdf - 上海外滩华尔道夫酒店.PDF

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2017 婚礼套餐pdf - 上海外滩华尔道夫酒店

W E D D I N G P A C K A G E S 婚 宴 套 餐 W A L D O R F A S T O R I A W E D D I N G P A C K A G E S Host your dream wedding at the Waldorf Astoria Shanghai on the Bund hotel and discover a flawlessly unique experience within the perfect, landmark, heritage site. With spectacular sweeping vistas of Shanghais stunning skyline and luscious panoramas of the Shanghai Bunds Huangpu River, this luxury venue presents an elegantly romantic setting within the premier Shanghai wedding location. Discover immaculate service and personalized facilities, catering to every individual desire. Feel relaxed and enjoy your special day as your personal wedding butler attends to every detail with flawless precision. Exceptional wedding specialists will help you to plan a uniquely perfect wedding day of style and individuality, creating a truly special experience, personalized for you. Savor delicious cuisine, customized to your taste by this exclusive Shanghai hotels expert catering service, offering a spectacular range of delectable flavors, from Western delights to authentic Chinese recipes and a variety of innovative fusions. Admire the sophisticated grandeur of the Waldorf Astoria Clubs three exquisite ballrooms. Offering magnificent crystal chandeliers and splendid French Windows, the Shanghai Club Ballroom presents a classically elegant setting for you to celebrate your love for each other. Experience a red carpet entrance and enjoy glamorously personalized décor, elegant bouquets and unparalleled attention to detail. 上海外滩华尔道夫酒店婚宴套餐 上海外滩华尔道夫酒店的上海总会厅完整地保留了大上海黄金时代的辉煌,富丽堂皇、 气势恢宏,依托着美丽如画的浦江盛景,无疑是举办尊贵奢华婚礼的理想之处。这一 历史悠久的场所,以及其中令人叹为观止的建筑和装修元素,融合欧式古典风格,构 成一幅美丽的图画,将标志着您与爱侣新婚生活的开始。 这一上海最受人们追捧的场所将会为您和您的宾客们呈现令人叹为观止的场景。奢华 的氛围、高雅的花饰和令人垂涎欲滴的中西式美食成就了魅力四射的婚礼盛宴,令出 席的宾客们在婚礼结束后久久不能忘怀,津津乐道。 精选的华尔道夫婚礼套餐将为您 把梦想中婚礼的每个精致细节完美呈现。华尔道夫酒店的婚礼专员将与您一同参与计 划婚礼的每个步骤,竭力


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