Gy246;rgy Wers233;nyi IEEE ProofWeb Version(gy 246;rgy wers 233;例如IEEE ProofWeb版本).pdf

Gy246;rgy Wers233;nyi IEEE ProofWeb Version(gy 246;rgy wers 233;例如IEEE ProofWeb版本).pdf

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Gy246;rgy Wers233;nyi IEEE ProofWeb Version(gy 246;rgy wers 233;例如IEEE ProofWeb版本)

IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUDIO, SPEECH, AND LANGUAGE PROCESSING 1 Effect of Emulated Head-Tracking for Reducing Localization Errors in Virtual Audio Simulation György Wersényi Abstract—Virtual audio simulation uses head-related transfer on headphone playback errors, localization blur, and spatial function (HRTF) synthesis and headphone playback to create resolution of the VAD. a sound field similar to real-life environments. Localization performance is influenced by parameters such as the recording method and the spatial resolution of the HRTFs, equalization of II. HEAD-TRACKING AND VIRTUAL LOCALIZATION the measurement chain as well as common headphone playback errors. The most important errors are in-the-head localization and The purpose of our current investigation is to find tools to im- front-back reversals. Among other cues, small movements of the prove the localization performance with the system mentioned head are considered to be important to avoid these phenomena. f above. In a parallel investigation, we tested additional high-pass This study uses the BEACHTRON sound card and its HRTFs for and low-pass filtering of sound sources to bias correct localiza- emulating small head-movements by randomly moving the virtual tion judgments in the median plane [6]. sound source to emulate head-movements. This method does not need any additional equipment, sensors, or feedback. Fifty One of the main goals of this study is to decrease front–back o untrained subjects participated in the listening tests using dif- reversals or in-the-head localization rates. During head- ferent stimuli and presentation sp


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