HighSpeed Rail in Europe and Asia Reason (高速铁路在欧洲和亚洲的原因).pdf

HighSpeed Rail in Europe and Asia Reason (高速铁路在欧洲和亚洲的原因).pdf

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HighSpeed Rail in Europe and Asia Reason (高速铁路在欧洲和亚洲的原因)

Policy Study 418 May 2013 High-Speed Rail in Europe and Asia: Lessons for the United States By Baruch Feigenbaum Reason Foundation Reason Foundation’s mission is to advance a free society by developing, applying and promoting libertarian principles, including individual liberty, free markets and the rule of law. We use journalism and public policy research to influence the frameworks and actions of policymakers, journalists and opinion leaders. Reason Foundation’s nonpartisan public policy research promotes choice, competition and a dynamic market economy as the foundation for human dignity and progress. Reason produces rigorous, peer-reviewed research and directly engages the policy process, seeking strategies that emphasize cooperation, flexibility, local knowledge and results. Through practical and innovative approaches to complex problems, Reason seeks to change the way people think about issues, and promote policies that allow and encourage individu- als and voluntary institutions to flourish. Reason Foundation is a tax-exempt research and education organization as defined under IRS code 501(c)(3). Reason Foundation is supported by voluntary contributions from individuals, foundations and corporations. Copyright © 2013 Reason Foundation. All rights reserved. Reason Foundation High-Speed Rail in Europe and Asia: Lessons for the United States By Baruch Feigenbaum Executive Summary Since 2009, the prospect of building high-speed rail (HSR) in the United States has received a great deal of attention. While building HSR in the U.S. has its proponents and its critics, little research has been conducted to examine how high-speed rail operates around the world and to determine whether a high-speed rail system could actually su


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