Immersive Panoramic Video - FullView(身临其境的全景视频FullView).pdf

Immersive Panoramic Video - FullView(身临其境的全景视频FullView).pdf

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Immersive Panoramic Video - FullView(身临其境的全景视频FullView)

Immersive Panoramic Video Thomas Pintaric, Ulrich Neumann Albert Rizzo Integrated Media Systems Center University of Southern California Los Angeles CA 90089 tpintari@, uneumann@, arizzo@ A user navigates a panoramic video environment using a head-mounted display and tracker. Introduction Television and video images pervade our professional and home environments. For over fifty years video images have provided a “virtual eye into distant times and locations. Over the same period, video technology has matured from gray-scale images to big-screen color and digitally processed imagery. One aspect of both the delivery technology and the content creation has remained largely unchanged however — the view is controlled at the source and identical for all observers. Panoramic video overcomes the passive and structured limitations of how video imagery is presented and perceived. The recent convergence of camera, processing, and display technologies make it possible to consider providing each viewer with individual control of their viewing direction. Viewers of panoramic video become virtual participants immersed in the observed scene, creating a new interactive dimension in the way people perceive video imagery within a “virtual environment”. Panoramic image acquisition is based on mosaic approaches developed in the context of still imagery [1, 2]. Mosaics are created from multiple overlapping sub-images pieced together to form a high-resolution, panoramic or wide field-of-view image. While still image mosaics and panoramas are common, we produce


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