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25 1 V ol25 N o1 2006 1 FEN X I CESH I XU EBAO ( Journal of Ins trum en tal A naly s s) 122~ 124 ICP- AES 段旭川 ( , 300170) : 5 mL 5 mL 1 mL , 5% ( ICP - AES) 9 8% ~ 102% , R SD 21% ~ 57% : ; ; ; ; ; : O 65731; TG 4251 : A : 1004 - 4957 ( 2006) 0 1- 0122- 0 3 S mu ltaneou s D ssolut on of T n, S lver and Lead n T n- Lead Solder A lloy and T he r D eterm nat ons by ICP - AES DUAN Xuchuan ( Co llege of Chem stry and L fe Sc ences, T anj n N orm a lU n vers ty, T an j n 300074, Ch na) Ab stract: A new m ethod for the smu ltaneou s d sso lut on and determ nat on of L ead, T n and S lver n T n- L ead solder a lloy w as reported. T he sam ple w as d ssolved w th 5 mL n tr c ac d, 5 mL hydrogen perox de and 1mL hydro fluo r c ac d, fo llow ed by the add t on of 10 mL 5% bor c ac d to m ask the ex cess fluor c on. L ead, T n and S lver w ere then sm u ltaneously determ ned by ICP- A ES. The recov er es of the e lem ents w ere n the range o f 98% - 102% , and the R SD 21% - 57% . key wo rds: T n- L ead so lder; L ead; T n; S lver; S mu ltaneou s d sso lut on and determ nat on; ICP - A ES [ 1] , [ 2, 3] , , [ 2] [ 1] [ 4] : , , , , , ; ; , ,



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