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杨长祺 贾 维 刘海江
1.沪东重机股份有限公司, 上海, 200129 2. 同济大学, 上海, 200092
:复杂曲面加工中, 如 快速、有效地筛选出特殊曲面点以进行刀具干涉判断是实现无干涉刀
具路径生成的关键。通过推导有理Bezier 曲面的参数离散算法并结合NURBS 曲面可转化为有理Bez-
ier 曲面的性质, 实现了NURBS 曲面基于参数的离散。该离散结果保留了离散曲面点与曲面参数域的
一一对应关系, 通过切削点的参数信息可快速筛选出少量需进行干涉校验的离散曲面点, 从而有效简化
了刀具干涉检测计算。实例分析表明, 该算法能在保证曲面离散精度的前提下提高无干涉刀具路径规
:TG659 :1004—132X(2007)08—0945—04
Discretizing the NURBS Surface in the Parameter Area and
Apply It to Avoid the Collision in the NC Machining
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Yang Changqi Jia ei Liu Haijiang
1. Hudong Heavy Machinery Co. Ltd., Shanghai, 200129
2.Tongji University, Shanghai, 200092
A stract:For thefree-form surface machining, the key problem isto decidewhich pointswill be
quickly selected to calculate the geometric relation to the cutter.So, analgorithm was proposed to dis-
cretize the NURBS surface in the parameter area. Its basisisthe realizationof discretizing the rational
Bezier surface and use of transforming the NURBS surface into the rational Bezier surface. By the a-l
gorithm, the discrete points are still corresponding to the parameter. Using the result, the calculation
of cutter orientation is effectively simplified. A study case shows that the algorithm can meet the
needs of discretization precision andimprove the calculative efficiency of the tool path planning.
Key words:non -uniform rational B - spline(NURBS);numerical control machining;discretized
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