单词速记 2012考研英语大纲词汇 第一期.pptVIP

单词速记 2012考研英语大纲词汇 第一期.ppt

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单词速记 2012考研英语大纲词汇 第一期

单词速记 2012考研英语 大纲词汇 第一期 1~5 a/e, ei, E/ abandon/E5bAndEn/vt.抛弃;放弃 He abandoned his wife and child and ran off with his lover.情人 abdomen/5AbdEmEn/n.腹 abide/E5baid/vi.(abode,abided)(by)遵守;坚持 I will abide by my promise/what I have said. ability/E5biliti/ academic ability学术能力 Mary has the ability to speak four languages. Inability无能 6~10 able/5eibEl/ abnormal/Ab5nC:mEl/a.反常不正常的 an abnormal phenomenon反常现象 Is that man abnormal in any way? aboard/E5bC:d/在船(飞机、车)上;上船(飞机、车) ad. The boat started as soon as we got aboard. prep. There were more than 1500 people aboard the titanic at that time. abolish/E5bCliF/vt.废除取消(习惯、法律等) Bad customs and laws ought to be abolished. abound/E5baund/vi.大量存在(in,with) 物 abound in 地 = 地 abound in/with 物 Rats abound in this house. = This house abounds in/with rats. 11~15 about/E5baut/ above/E5bQv/ abroad/E5brC:d/ He makes no attempt to go abroad.无意… abrupt/E5brQpt/a.突然意外的;粗鲁无礼的 an abrupt change聚变 I have been struck by his awkward look and abrupt manner.留下深刻的印象 笨拙的样子和唐突的举止 absence/5AbsEns/n.缺席;缺乏 How many absences does Jack have this month? The absence of such vitamin makes poor health. in the absence of由于缺乏 16~20 absent/5AbsEnt/a.缺席缺乏的;心不在焉的 absolute/5AbsElu:t/a.绝对的;完全的 absolute alcohol无水酒精 alcoholic a./n. 酒精的/酒精中毒的(人),嗜酒者 absorb/Eb5sC:b/vt.吸收;吸引 Anna is deeply absorbed in her own thoughts.陷入沉思 abstract /5AbstrAkt/a.抽象的 an abstract concept /5AbstrAkt/n.摘要 make an abstract of 做…摘要 /Ab5strAkt/vt.提取;做摘要 Your problem is that you cant abstract the important points from the lectures. absurd/Eb5sE:d/a.荒谬荒唐的 The plots in this movie are absurd. Its absurd to go out in such terrible weather. 21~25 abundance/E5bQndEns/n.大量;丰富;充裕 Mom is preparing a great abundance of food for the Christmas dinner. abundant/E5bQndEnt/a.大量丰富充裕的 This region is abundant in wild-life/natural resources.野生生物/自然资源 abuse 滥用虐待骂 /E5bju:z/vt. abuse ones authority/office权威/职权 Mary was abused by her stepfather. I will get angry if you abuse my professor. /E5bju:s/n.drug abuse滥用药物 child abuse


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