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在这里脸是甜甜的,心是甜甜的,梦是甜甜的。 (甜甜牌席梦思床垫广告语) Repetition involves repeating the same word, the root words in different derivatives. is a powerful rhetorical device which creates good rhythm and parallelism to make the language musical, emphatic, attractive and memorable and also to emphasize an idea. 反复是为了突出某个意思,强调某种感情特意重复某个词语或句子。 The oppressed are oppressed because oppression is to the oppressor’s interests, and because the oppressed lack the physical, political, economic, and psychological means to resist and throw them off. The oppressed never free themselves-they don’t have necessary strengths. They become free only when their oppressors lose the strength or the will to oppress them. (Clare Boothe Luce) A parallelism is a figure of speech that uses similar structures in separate sentences to express related ideas and with which the sentence is emphatic and forceful. In parallel structure it is necessary to balance word for word, phrase for phrase, clause for clause and sentence for sentence. (平行结构就是把结构相同、意义并重、语气一致的词组或句子排列成串,形成一个整体。其特点是:结构上整齐匀称,读起来铿锵有力。) C.杀死了人,又不敢承认,还要诬蔑人,说什么“桃色事件”,说什么共产党杀共产党,无耻啊!无耻啊! D.我们祖国的英雄儿女,将要学习你的榜样,像你一样的伟大坚强,像你一样的伟大坚强。 A.沙丘的移动虽然慢,可是所到之处,森林全被摧毁,田地全被埋葬,城郭变成丘墟。 B.开我东阁门,坐我西阁床,脱我战时袍,著我旧时裳。 排比和反复的区别在于: 首先排比是为了加强语势,反复是为了突出强调某种感情。 其次,排比是把三句或三句以上的结构相同的句子连在一起,反复是把某个词语或句子重复二次以上。 再次是排比中有部分提示词语相同,而反复则是词语或句子完全相同。 1. Happy, happy pair 幸福,幸福的一对。 None but the brave 唯有英雄, None but the brave 唯有英雄, None but the brave deserves the fair唯有英雄与美人匹配。 2.Scroope went to bed again, and thought, and thought, and thought it over and over again. Scroope又上床了,他想来想去,左思右想,想了又想 1 .A:let me in. let me in. B: who is there? A: open! Open! For God’s sake. Let me in! 2. Would you please please please please please please please stop talking。 务必请你,千万请你别说了吧! Time is, time was, but time shall be no more! Lanny picked up his cases and walked along the sandy track. This was the road home. Soon now he would get there. Soon now he would hear the simple Afrikaans o


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