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Jour al of Mecha ical Stre gth 机械强度 2004, 26(4):393~ 399 NUMERICAL SIMULATION FOR HEAT TRANSFER AND CONTACT PROBLEMS WITH A THERMAL-RESISTANT CONSTITUTIVE MODEL        (大连理工大学 工业装备结构分析国家重点实验室、工程力学系, 大连116024) ZHANG HongWu LIAO AiHua  ZHANG Zhao  CHEN JinTao (StateKey Laboratory for StructuralAnalysisof Industrial Equipment, Department of Engineering Mechanics, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, hina)  。 , —, , , 。 , 。 , , 。 。       O344.3 O242.2 O343.3 Abstract A new algorithm for the heat transfer analysis of the contact problem is developed in terms of a thermal resistant consti- tutive model, which was established and generally called contact pressure dependent law in the analysis of thermomechanical contact problems.Two kinds of variational principles for the two different problems, i.e.heat transfer and contact analysis, are respectively put forwardfor solving of the coupled problems. ased on the proposed variational principles, the finite element discretized formulations, where the penalty factor in contact equations can be cancelled, are derived, and an iteration algorithm isthen established for the numeri- cal solution of the problems.Numerical examples are computed and the results demonstrate the validity of model and algorithm presented as well as the importance of the thermal-resistant contact analysis in engineering. Key words Heat tra sfer;Co tact a alysis;Thermal co tact resista ce;Fi ite eleme t method orresponding author:ZHANGHongWu, E-mail:zhanghw@, Tel:+86-411-4706249, Fax:+86-411-4708769 The project supported by the NationalNaturalSciences Foundation of China(NoandNo, and t


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