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毕业设计 轿车传动轴的设计与校核 2012年5月 摘要 传动轴是组成机器零件的主要零件之,一切做回转运动的传动零件(例如:齿轮,蜗轮等)都必须安装在传动轴上才能进行运动及动力的传动,传动轴常用于变速箱与驱动桥之间的连接。这种轴一般较长,且转速高,只能承受扭矩而不承受弯矩。应该使传动轴具有足够的刚度和高临界转速,在强度计算中,由于所取的安全系数较大,从而使轴的尺寸过大,本文讨论的传动轴工艺设计方法,并根据现行规范增添了些表面处理的方式比如表面发兰。 提出一种三点接触沟道截面形式的球笼式等速万向节, 其钟形壳外沟道的沟道截面形式为圆弧沟道 , 星 形套内沟道的沟道截面形式为椭圆沟道或双心弧沟道。对其内、外沟道结构进行设计,并利用 H e r t z 接触理论进行接触应力的计算。结果表明, 三点接触沟道能减小内、 外沟道接触应力,改善其内部接触状况。 关键词 :球笼式等速万向节; 三点接触沟道; 接触应力 ; 计算 ABSTRACT Drive shaft is composed of the main parts of the machine parts, all do rotary movement of the transmission parts (such as: gear, worm gear, etc.) must be installed on the shaft to movement and power transmission, driving shaft is often used in the connection between the transmission and drive axle. The shaft is longer than the general, and high speed, can withstand the torque under bending moment. Should make the shaft has enough stiffness and high critical speed, the strength calculation, due to take the safety coefficient is larger, so that the size of the shaft is too big, this article discusses the transmission process design method, and according to the current specification adds some surface treatment way, such as hair surface. Put forward a three-point contact channel cross section form of ball cage patterned constant speed universal joint, the bell-shaped shell outside the channel cross section form of the channel is a circular arc channel, stars form within the set of channel of the channel or dual channel cross section form of ellipse arc channel. Was carried out on the inside and outside channel structure design, and using the theory of t H e r z contact for the calculation of contact stress. Results show that three contact channel can reduce the contact stress, the internal and external channel to improve the internal contact condition. Key words: Birfield ball-joint; 3 contact channel; Contact stress; Calculation 目 录 引 言 1 第一章 传动轴 2 第二章 球笼等速万向节的设计 4 2.1 建立约束条件 4 2.2 万向传动的计算载荷 5 2.3 星形套和钟形壳的结构设计 6 2.4 万向节受力分析



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