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38 1 浙 江 大 学 学 报() V o l 38 N o 1 2004 1 Jou rna l o f Z hejiang U n iv e rsity (E ng inee ring Sc ience) Jan 2004 1 1 2 孙红月, 尚岳全, 张春生 ( 1 , 3 10027; 2 , 3 10014)  : , , , 、 , , , , : ; ; ; : U 45 3 2     : A     : 100 8-97 3X ( 2004) 0 1-0070-04 Numericalmodeling analysis for surrounding rockmass stability of largeunderground cavities 1 1 2 - , - , - SU N H on g y ue SH A N G Y ue qu an ZHA N G C hu n sh en g ( 1 College of Civ il Eng ineering and A rchitecture, Zhej iang University, H angzhou 3 10027, China; 2 EastChina Investigation D esign Institute, State Pow er Corp oration of China, H angzhou 3100 14, China) : Abstract T he T a i an pum ped sto rag e hyd rop lane project s g eom ech anics env iro nm en t condit ion s o f w o rk areas w ere ana ly zed b ased o n the loca l g eo logy re sea rch and the geo log ic p ro sp ect ing data ana ly sis T hen a m ech an ical m o de l w as dev elop ed to ex pre ss the actu a l cond ition s o f the resea rch area T he in it ia l g eo st res s f ie ld w as inve rse ly sim u lated by f inite e lem ent m e thod u sing the g eo st res s da ta T he smi u la ted da ta w ere applied fo r num erica l ana ly sis by non linea r f inite elem en t m e thod o f the su rrounding rockm ass stresse s and the stab ility o f the m a in cav it ies, su ch as the underg round w o rk sho p, dur ing ex cav at ion T h e re su lt s p ro ve the feasibility o f the b ig unde rg round cav it ies ex cav at ion and revea l the st re


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