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730 2006 12 19 12 China J Orthop Traum a, Dec. 2006, V o.l 19, No. 12 1 2 1 周临东 , 丁轲轲, 赵和庆 ( 1, 210029; 2) ! : , : , , 33 3 , , , , : 3, 2 ~ 3 mm , ; , : 2~ 3 mm , ! ; , ; Biom echanical study on the effect of different nailing positions for the fixation of femoral neck fracture * * ( FNF) ZHOU L indong , DING K eke, ZHAO H eqing. TheN anjing University of T M, N anjing 210029, Jiangsu, hina ABSTRACT O jective: To investiage the effect of d ifferen t nailing position for the fixation of fem oral nec fracture( FNF), so as to determ ine the best nailing position in the treatm ent of FNF w ith internal fixation. M ethods: S ix fem oral bonesw ere ob tained from adult cadavers( all w erem ale) and used to produce m odel of fem oral nec fracture. A fter d issection and repositioning, internal fixation m ethods w ith three d ifferen t nailing positions triangle, inverted triangle and dualnailing, w ere perform ed to them odels. B iom echanical pressurew as app lied to the point of fracture, and the sh ift in positions of the femoral bonew as recorded. The expermi ental da ta were then compu ted and com pared. R esults: Am ong the three nailing positions in the fixation of FNF, the in verted triangle at a position 2 to 3 mm below the femoral core w as found to be the best fixation of FNF w ith the shortest d isp lacement and the highest stiffnessunder the sam e b iom echan ical pressure. The dualnailing had the w ea est effect w ith the longest displacem ent and the lowest stiffness. Conclusion:The inverted triangle method at a pos ition 2 to 3 mm below the fem oral core should be emp loyed in future, wh ile them ethod of dualnailing should be discontinued. K ey words Fem oral nec fracture; Fracture fixation, internal; B iom echan ic


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