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试验研究实验研究 连铸连轧拉网板栅电池制作及验证分析 汤序锋,侯国友,高根芳,李进兴,张丽芳,周文渭 (天能电池集团有限公司技术中心,浙江长兴 313100 ) 摘要:对采用连铸连轧拉网工艺的电池制作过程进行介绍,从工艺流程、结构设计、参数设 计、板栅和极板制作、电池装配、化成和性能测试等方面进行解析。结果表明,连铸连轧拉网 板栅电池的生产成本低于采用常规浇铸板栅工艺的,而且极板一致性稳定,电池循环寿命长, 浮充性能好。 关键词:储能电池;连铸连轧;重力浇铸;拉网板栅;化成;装配压力;循环寿命;浮充性 能;一致性 中图分类号:TM 912.1   文献标识码:B   文章编号:1006-0847(2017)03-125-05 Preparation of continuous casting and rolling and expanded grid batteries and their performance verification analysis TANG Xufeng, HOU Guoyou, GAO Genfang, LI Jinxing, ZHANG Lifang, ZHOU Wenwei (The Technology Center of Tianneng Battery Group Co., Ltd., Changxing Zhejiang 313100, China) Abstract: A brief introduction of the preparation of lead-acid batteries by adopting the technique of continuous casting and rolling and expanded grid is given in this paper. The whole process is detailed, including the design of structure, design of parameter, preparation of expanded metal grid and plate, battery assembly, formation and performance test. The results indicate that the technique of continuous casting and rolling and expanded metal grid is much more environmental friendly and cost-effective than adopted the technique of gravity casting grid. When the technique is adopted, the plates have excellent consistency, and the batteries have longer cycle life and good float charging performance. Keywords: energy storage battery; continuous casting and rolling; gravity casting; expanded grid; formation; assembling pressure; cycle lif


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