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2008~2010年我院中药注射剂使用调查及研究[摘要] 目的 了解我院中药注射剂的使用概况并分析其变化趋势。 方法 采用回顾性研究方法,从HIS数据库中提取2008~2010年相关药品数据,对中药注射剂的种类、用量、用药金额等数据进行统计分析。 结果 我院2010年来共使用了18种中药注射剂,其中在种类上以心脑血管和广谱抗炎/提高免疫力类药物为主,分别占55.6%和27.8%,而在金额上则占55.6%和36.5%。结论 中药注射剂的用药金额占据全部中成药的近40%,用药品种基本稳定,并且集中在广谱抗炎和心脑血管疾病两大类上。 [关键词] 中药注射剂;药物利用;使用调查 [中图分类号] R195 [文献标识码] C [文章编号] 1673-9701(2011)35-112-02 Analyze the Usage Situation of Traditional Chinese Medicine Injection in Our Hospital in 2008-2010 CHEN Xia Department of Pharmacy,Zhuji City Red Cross Hospital in Zhejiang Province, Zhuji 311800, China [Abstract] Objective To investigate the use of traditional chinese medicine injection and to analyze its tendency changes. Methods Using retrospective study,we collected all the use information of traditional Chinese medicine injection between 2008 and 2010 from HIS database and analyze the class,dosage,and cost of it. Results In 2010 year,there were 18 kinds of traditional Chinese medicine injection used in our hospital,and the most of them have the function of anti- inflammation and heart-brain vessel protection. Analyzing the financial cost we found that the profit of anti-inflammation injection occupied 36.5% of total income,and which of vessel protective injection was 55.6%. The most used injection were vessel protective injection(account for 55.6%)and anti-inflammation injection(account for 27.8%). Conclusion The income of traditional Chinese medicine injection was nearly 40% of total traditional Chinese medicine,and the purpose of injection use were focused in anti-inflammation and protecting vessel. [Key words] Traditional Chinese medicine injection;Usage of medicine;Usage investigation;Rational drug use 在祖国医学中,中药占据了非常重要的地位。传统的用药方式虽然具有毒副作用小的优势,但是却具有起效慢的弱点[1],所以在临床应用中多作为西药的辅助药物存在[2]。近年来,中药注射剂的出现缓解了这一情况。本文总结整理了我院在2008~2010年中药注射剂的使用状况,以期作为数据资料,为日后的中药注射剂使用提供参考。 1 资料与方法 1.1 一般资料 所有资料来源于我院计算机管理系统提供的2008~2010年度药品使用的原始数据,经过后期人工统计处理而得。 1.2 方法 我们分别统计了2008~2010年我院中药注射剂的使用金额、使用次数、使用种类,并归类,总结了占前几


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