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26例AIDS/HIV感染产科手术中职业暴露防范体会[摘要] 目的:探讨艾滋病(AIDS)/人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)感染的孕妇,产科手术对医务人员职业暴露的危险因素及职业暴露的防范。方法:2005年1月~2007年12月我院收治住院26例AIDS/HIV感染孕妇,由10位助产人员(其中,医生4人,助产护士6人)给予接产,并实施产科手术28次(其中,接产11次,剖宫产15次,剖腹探查术2次),对其产科手术中职业暴露的危险因素及防范方法进行分析。结果:10位产科人员中,1人次发生职业暴露,危险行为4处4次,经规范紧急处理、随访观察后,没有发生职业感染。结论:产科人员对AIDS/HIV感染处于高度暴露的环境;只要加强防范意识,严格执行艾滋病医院感染管理中的防范、处理措施,可以大大减少产科中艾滋病的职业暴露,并预防职业感染。 [关键词] AIDS/HIV感染;产科手术;职业暴露防范 [中图分类号] R512.91 [文献标识码]B[文章编号]1673-7210(2008)10(b)-155-02 Protection of health-care worker from occupational exposure to AIDS/HIV in obstetric surgery LIAO Feng-lan (Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, the Third People’s Hospital of Wuzhou, Guangxi Province, Wuzhou543001, China) [Abstract] Objective: To investigate the risk factors and prevention measure for health-care worker from occupational exposure to AIDS/HIV in obstetric surgery. Methods: Twenty-six pregnant women with AIDS/HIV infection were hospitalized in our hospital from January 2005 to December 2007. The midwifery was performed by 10 medical staffs(including 4 doctors and 6 nurses), and 28 cases of obstetric operation were performed(including 11 cases of artificial abortion, 15 cases of cesarean section and 2 cases of abdominal cellotomy), and then the risk factors and protection of health-care workers from occupational exposure were analyzed. Results: One medical staff was exposured to HIV, and the risk behaviors were 4 positions and 4 times, no occupational infection occurred after emergent treatment and follow-up. Conclusion: Health-care workers in obstetric department are prone to be exposed to HIV; it is of critical important to enhance the protection and strictly execute the protection and treatment measures to considerably reduce the exposure to HIV and prevent the occupational infection. [Key words] AIDS/HIV infection; Obstetric surgery; Prevention measure of occupational exposure 人类对艾滋病(AIDS)的发病、流行及防治研究已经历了二十多年,尽管巨大的投入使关于艾滋病的基础与临床研究取得了巨大成就,但其传播速度依然迅猛。血液、性、母婴三个传播途径均与产科工作相关,随着AIDS/


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