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30 2 Vol.30, No.2 2010 4 Bulletin of Soil and Water Conservation Apr., 2010   王金哲, 张光辉, 聂振龙, 严明疆, 王莹 ( , 050061)  :, , “—”, 。 , 、, 。, , ;, ; 0~0.4 0.2~ 1.0 。 , , , ; ※※。 :;;; :A      :1000-288X(2010)02-0065-05  :P641.2, X24 Disturbing Degree of Mankind Activities to Groundwater in the Hutuo River Valley Area WANG Jin-zhe , ZHANG Guang-hui, NIE Zhen-long, YAN Ming-jiang, WANG Ying (Institu te of Hy drog eo logy and E nv ironm en ta l Geolog y , S h ij iaz huang, H ebei 050061, Ch ina) Abstract:Mankind activity and cli atevariety are the diplex factor of shallow groundwater declinein the valley area of Hutuo River.The questions are worth discussing that how the shallow groundwater changes fro crude state to false state andwhat change the shallow groundwater in space and ti ehas.After all, the discussion will provide the gist for ankind controlling their activities, self-restraining groundwater, and ensuring the har onious relation be- tween ankind and groundwater.This article chooses integrated index eans, filters the disturbing index, and es- tablishes the quantitative analysis syste .On the base of the above, the disturbing degree of ankind activi- ties to shallow groundwater is quantitatively analyzed.Results show that spatially, the disturbing degree de- creases gradually fro thewest to the east in different ages;in view of the whole area, the disturbing degree increases fro thewest to the east;and the disturbing degree increases fro 0 ~0.4 to 0.2~1.0.Te porari- ly, the disturbing degree in the whole area increases along with ti e, but it is different in different areas. The disturbance of an


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