外贸函电nit 5b Order and Reply.ppt

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外贸函电nit 5b Order and Reply

8) We hope you will (agree, accept, receive, admit) our terms and make (preparation, arrangements) for an early delivery. 9) We (admit, acknowledge) with thanks your order of June 1. 7. We have received your letter of Feb.25 together with a draft contract showing the terms and conditions of your sale. 3)如果你方能满足我方的需要,井答应提前交货,我方就接受你方的价格。 Well accept your price if you can meet our needs and make an earlier shipment. 6)这种产品的起订量是300箱。如果你方订购500箱以上,我们就减价3%。 The minimum quantity of an order for the goods is 300 cases. If you order more than 500 cases, we can reduce our price by 3%. 1.我们这份订单以你们3月12日所寄的样品和报价为准。 Our order is placed on the sample and prices you sent us on March 12. 2.希望你们会一如既往地给予这份订单的履行以最好的关注。 We hope you will give your usual best attention for the execution of this order. 3.随函附上我方订单,但需要指出的是我地市场价格疲软,几乎无利润可言,因此,请求以后以更好的价格供货。 We enclose our order, but must point out that the falling market here will leave us little or no margin of profit. We must ask you for a better price in respect of future supplies. in respect of 关于 4.请你们放心,新的供货拟定于下月初抵达。 You may rest assured that fresh supplies are due to arrive early next month. 5.我们将尽最大努力在约定的时间内完成这份订单。 We shall do our best/utmost to execute this order at the prescribed time. 6.该商品在当地极受欢迎,现已无现货可供。一俟新货到达,将第一个给你发货。 The product is popular that we have exhausted our stock. As soon as the new supply arrives, you order will be one of the first to be shipped. * Exercises: Translate these sentences into Chinese : 1. We have a lot of orders on hand, and we are very sorry we cannot accept your order of immediate delivery. 2. We are contacting the end-users and see if they can accept other makes. 3.We require the goods to reach regularly, in monthly 800 pieces, starting next month. 4. You are probably aware that there is an urgent demand for the goods on our market. 5. We have received your Sales Confirmation No. 111 in duplicate. We are enclosing a copy of the said document signed by us. Put the follow


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