the originals6 始祖家庭6中英文台词.doc

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the originals6 始祖家庭6中英文台词

我的哥哥们和我都是历史上 My brothers and I are the first vampires, 最早的吸血鬼 是始祖家族 in all of history-- the originals. 三百年前 我们把新奥尔良当做家 years ago, we called New Orleans home. 现在一个女巫的阴谋将我们引回这里 Now weve returned, drawn by a witch 她企图利用我哥哥克劳斯未出生的孩子 who seeks to use my brother Klaus unborn child 作为即将开始的战争中的筹码 as leverage in a brewing war... 萨宾 告诉他们你看到了什么 Sabine, tell them what you saw. 这种幻象是如何解读的 How was this vision interpreted? 你的孩子会让所有的女巫死去 Your baby would bring death to all witches. 但是对权力的追求 让兄弟反目 But the quest for power has turned brother against brother, 让我们的家族更加分裂 leaving our family more divided than ever. 现在以利亚回来了 Now that Elijah has returned, 我们家族重聚是否能面对新的威胁 can our family unite to face this new threat? 《毒树》 威廉·布莱克 你们就这样 So this is what you do 度过我们第一次重聚成一家人的时光吗 the first time were back together as a family-- 吸血鬼读书俱乐部 vampire book club. 阅读陶冶心灵 妹妹 Reading edifies the mind, sister. 对吗 以利亚 Isnt that right, Elijah? 是的 非常正确 尼克劳斯 Yes. Thats quite right, Niklaus. 现在是什么意思 And whats this business? 这是友好的馈赠 This is a peace offering. 我想 在棺材里干枯了那么久之后 I presumed, after so much time desiccating in a coffin, 我的哥哥也许会有些饿了[易怒] that my big brother might be a bit peckish. 所以我向我的弟弟解释 So I explained to my little brother 宽恕是无法被收买的 that forgiveness cannot be bought. 我真心想看到你行为上的改变 Id simply prefer to see a change in behavior 能够显示出你的悔悟和个人成长 that indicates contrition and personal growth, 而不是这些没意义的 not this nonsense. 我也不能白白浪费了她 不是吗 I couldnt very well let her go to waste, could I? 我想我得去拿个垃圾桶 Well, I suppose Ill fetch the rubbish bin 因为你们弄脏了两百年历史的地毯 because youre staining a -year-old carpet. 是啊 Oh, yes. 我对朋友充满愤怒 I was angry with my friend 说出了愤怒 I told my wrath, 便戛然而止 my wrath did end. {\an }皇家宫殿旅馆 我对敌人充满愤怒 I was angry with my foe: 未曾表述 I told it not, 皇家宫殿旅馆 愤怒却越甚 my wrath did grow. 日夜以我的泪水 And I waterd it in fears, 在恐惧中灌溉愤怒 night and morning with my tears; 肖恩·奥康纳尔 用微笑和温柔虚伪的诡计 And I sunned it with smil


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