剑桥商务英语中级第二版 5a relocation.ppt

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剑桥商务英语中级第二版 5a relocation

Unit 5a Relocation Relocate v. to (cause a person or company to) move to a new place e.g. The company has relocated to Liverpool Unit 5a Relocation I. Why do companies relocate? Speaking 1 warming-up questions 1.?Why do companies relocate to another part of the same country? 2. Why do they relocate to another country? Unit 5a Relocation Reference: get government grant 得到政府资助 relocate to a place where cheap labor is available 搬迁到劳动力成本比较便宜的地点 better transport network facilitates company development 更好的交通网络有利于公司的发展 Unit 5a Relocation save costs 节省成本 adopt follow-the-talent policy 实行追求人才的政策 cheaper labor costs 更廉价的劳动力成本 low rates of corporate tax 较低的企业税 Unit 5a Relocation to get closer to the market 更接近市场 Attracted by the pro-business environment 被有利于商务的环境所吸引 Have access to more skilled workers 吸收更多的技术工人 Unit 5a Relocation B. Reading Read extract from a brochure about relocating to Ireland. Choose the best title for each paragraph. Unit 5a Relocation Overhead n. money spent regularly on rent, insurance, electricity, and other things that are needed to keep a business operating e.g. The overheads are the normal costs of a business, which do not change if production rises. 管理费用是指经营企业的日常开支成本,不随产量 的增长而改变 Unit 5a Relocation Successive adj [attrib 作定语] coming one after the other in an unbroken series 连续不断的; 接连的; 一 连串的 e.g. The school has won five successive games. 该校已连胜五场比赛. Unit 5a Relocation Infrastructure n. the basic systems and services that are necessary for a country to run smoothly, for example buildings, transport, and water and power supplies e.g. They need to attract foreign investment to improve the countrys infrastructure Unit 5a Relocation Supportive adj. giving help, encouragement or sympathy to sb e.g. He was strongly supportive of my career Unit 5a Relocation Regulatory adj. having the power to control an area o


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