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新苑建筑给水排水系统设计毕业论文 摘 要 本设计是太原市联通新苑建筑给水排水系统设计,主要包括建筑内部给水系统、建筑内部排水系统、建筑内部消火栓系统、自动喷水灭火系统、建筑雨水排水系统、热水给水系统等六部分设计。 建筑内部给水系统分为三个区供水。地下一层至三层为低区,由市政管网直接供水;四至十七层为中区,十八至三十层为高区。排水系统采用的是污废合流制,污水经化粪池处理后排入市政污水管网;1-3层排水立管设伸顶通气,4-30层排水立管设有专用通气立管。消防系统分消火栓系统和自动喷淋灭火系统两部分。消火栓系统分高区和低区,需减压的部分采用SNJ65型减压稳压消火栓,其余采用SN65型消火栓。负一层至3层设自动喷水灭火系统,采用中危1级标准。自动喷水灭火系统与消火栓系统合用消防水箱。给水管材根据需要,一二三层卫生间采用塑料管(PPR),住宅给水干管采用薄壁不锈钢管。排水管均采用铸铁管,同时在穿墙处设阻火圈。消防系统采用镀锌钢管。室外给排水系统根据需要设置管道、检查井等。 关键词:给水系统;排水系统;消防系统 Abstract The design is a complex construction thirty floor water supply and drainage design, including water supply systems, drainage systems, fire system, automatic sprinkler system design,the outside supply and drainage systems such as five parts. The inside: Water supply system is divided into three districts. Minus first to second for the low areas, directly from the municipal water supply pipe network; 4th-17th layer is middler ,18th-30th layer is higher,from frequency-changing pressure water equipment. Drainage system uses is the rain dirt divergence, the dirt waste combined system, the rain water disperses into the municipal administration storm sewer system directly, the sewage disperses into the municipal administration sewage pipe network after septic tank processing; 1-3 draining water pipe riser supposes extends goes against the ventilation ,4th-30th draining water pipe riser is equipped with the special-purpose ventilation pipe riser. The fire hydrant system divides Gao Qu and the area, needs the reduced pressure the part to use the SNJ65 reduced pressure constant voltage fire hydrant, other use the SN65 fire hydrant.Flushes the system, suppose -1 to 3flushes the system, uses the dangerⅡLevel standard.Flushes the system and the fire hydrant system comes in handy the fire water tank. The service pipe material according to the need, the 1st and 2nd bathrooms uses plastic tube (PPR), the housing uses the thin wall stainless steel pipe for the water drying tube, uses the aluminum from the pipe riser to


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