Basic Python by examples LTAM(基本的Python LTAM例子).pdf

Basic Python by examples LTAM(基本的Python LTAM例子).pdf

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Basic Python by examples LTAM(基本的Python LTAM例子)

LTAM-FELJC 1 Basic Python by examples 1. Python installation On Linux systems, Python 2.x is already installed. To download Python for Windows and OSx, and for documentation see / It might be a good idea to install the Enthought distribution Canopy that contains already the very useful modules Numpy, Scipy and Matplotlib: /downloads/ 2. Python 2.x or Python 3.x ? The current version is 3.x Some libraries may not yet be available for version 3, and Linux Ubuntu comes with 2.x as a standard. Many approvements from 3 have been back ported to 2.7. The main differences for basic programming are in the print and input functions. We will use Python 2.x in this tutorial. 3. Python interactive: using Python as a calculator Start Python (or IDLE, the Python IDE). A prompt is showing up: Display version: help() Welcome to Python 2.7! This is the online help utility. ... help Help commands: modules: available modules keywords: list of reserved Python keywords quit: leave help To get help on a keyword, just enter its name in help. LTAM-FELJC 2 Simple calculations in Python 3.14*5 15.700000000000001 Supported operators: Operator Example Explication +, - add, substract, *, / multiply, divide % modulo 25 % 5 = 0 25/5 = 5, remainder = 0 84 % 5 = 4


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