Basic Thermodynamics and Large Building (基本的热力学和大型建筑).pdf

Basic Thermodynamics and Large Building (基本的热力学和大型建筑).pdf

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Basic Thermodynamics and Large Building (基本的热力学和大型建筑)

HOT COLD Basic Thermodynamics and Large Building Heating and Cooling What is Thermodynamics? It’s the study of energy conversion using heat and other forms of energy based on temperature, volume, and pressure. Its all around you, everyday things such as your car’s engine, air conditioning, and heating. All work off of the basic ideas and laws of thermodynamics. Measuring Heat, Pressure, Work Heating and BTU – British Thermal Unit, unit of heat equal to Cooling things the amount of heat required to raise one pound of water one have their degree Fahrenheit at one atmosphere pressure. own units of measure. PSI – Pound per Square Inch, a unit of pressure Foot Pound – a unit of work equal to the work done by a force of one pound acting through a distance of one foot in the direction of the force Back to the Basics: Phase Changes When Heating When Cooling Distance between Distance between molecules expand molecules contract Energy in the form of Volume decreases Heat is added Loss of kinetic energy Air can loose its on molecular level moisture content Gains density Volume increases Laws Enthalpy Don’t worry, First Law- Energy can be transformed from one form to these are another, but can not be created or destroyed. more like basic “rules” Second Law- While quantity of energy remains the same the quality of matter/energy deteriorates gradually over time. Third Law- As your thermo system approaches absolute


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