Calculating With Sig Figs And Scientific Notation(计算团体无花果和科学记数法).pdf

Calculating With Sig Figs And Scientific Notation(计算团体无花果和科学记数法).pdf

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Calculating With Sig Figs And Scientific Notation(计算团体无花果和科学记数法)

Chemistry Name: Date: Per.: Calculating With Sig Figs And Scientific Notation We all need to be able to use significant figures (sig figs) and scientific notation (sci not) in our calculations in physics and chemistry. The first thing you need to do is to put your calculator in the SCI mode. If you cant do that ask someone for help-this mode is necessary for you to get your nd answers in the correct form. This can normally be accomplished by pressing 2 followed by the number 5 key, which shows SCI above the key. This turns out to be 3rd /6 in the TI36, SCI mode for most Casio calculators is most often mode 8. Not all calculators will perform in exactly the same way as outlined in this paper. The Texas Instruments 30X series will perform, as described, and all for less than $12. When you enter expanded numbers, numbers not written in sci not, into your calculator using the SCI mode, your calculator will convert these into scientific notation when you push the = button. This works for almost every number. What happens in this mode is your calculator converts the number into scientific notation with the correct number of sig figs shown. There is a very important but simple rule: scientific notation is always written in the correct number of sig figs. With a single exception, your TI 30 calculator will always do this for you. The single exception is decimal fractions that end with zero(s). Your calculator will truncate, cut off, these ending zeros. Thus, the your calculator will never have the correct answer for in scientific notation



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