Calibration of Photoemission Spectra and Work (校准光电发射光谱和工作).pdf

Calibration of Photoemission Spectra and Work (校准光电发射光谱和工作).pdf

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Calibration of Photoemission Spectra and Work (校准光电发射光谱和工作)

Calibration of Photoemission Spectra and Work Function Determination by Dr. Rudy Schlaf Photoemission spectra are usually displayed in binding energies relative to the Fermi edge of the sample. However, what is really measured are the kinetic energies of electrons photo- emitted from the sample. This tutorial will explain how photoemission spectroscopy (PES) data are calibrated, and how the work function of samples can be determined from such data. Photoemission is usually assumed to occur in a three-step process. First, the incoming photon is absorbed by an electron, which is transferred from its initial state into an excited final state at the location of absorption. Second the electron travels to the sample surface, and third the electron is ejected into the vacuum. During the travel to the surface the majority of generated electrons suffer inelastic collision, which result in a reduction of their kinetic energy. Hence PE- spectra consist of two principal components: (1) primary electrons which did not suffer inelastic collisions, and (2) secondary electrons (primary electrons, which lost varying amounts of energy). The primary electrons result in distinct spectral features (peaks) mirroring (in first order approximation) the density of states (DOS) of the sample, while secondary electrons have a more or less continuous energy spectrum down to zero kinetic energy, which is superimposed to the primary electron spectrum. These two types of electrons contain different information: The primary peaks allow the determination of the binding energies of the electronic states in the sample, while the secondary electrons are mainly used for the measurement of the work function of the sample. However, the secondary electrons are typically thought of as “bein


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