江苏省句容市天王中学九年级英语上册《Unit 3 Teenage problem》grammar课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt

江苏省句容市天王中学九年级英语上册《Unit 3 Teenage problem》grammar课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt

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江苏省句容市天王中学九年级英语上册《Unit 3 Teenage problem》grammar课件 (新版)牛津版

Free talk 1. Do you have any teenage problems? 2. How do you solve your teenage problems? Do you remember? 1. 我不知道我应该怎样处理它。 2. 有时我们忘记什么时候应该停下来。 3. 我不理解为什么他们对我如此严格。 4. 我想知道我怎样能够在学业和爱好上获得平衡。 * Why is the program so popular? How often is it shown on TV? When can I watch the program? Who will be the winner? Why is the program so popular? Millie wonders why the program is so popular. How often is it shown on TV? Millie wonders how often it is shown on TV. When can I watch the program? Millie wonders when she can watch the program. Who will be the winner? Millie wonders who will be the winner. Why is the program so popular? How often is it shown on TV? When can I watch the program? Who will be the winner? Wh- questions S+V+a question word +a statement. Object clauses introduced by question words Millie wonders why the program is so popular. how often it is shown on TV. when she can watch the program. who will be the winner. _____________ We use a question word to introduce an object clause that expresses a wh- question. The word order in the clause should be the same as that in a statement. Pay attention to the changes of pronouns. e.g. I wonder what I should do. Sometimes we forget when we should stop. I do not understand why they are so strict with me. I do not know how I should deal with the problem. Whom should I talk to about the problems? ( Daniel doesn’t know ) Daniel doesn’t know whom I should talk to about the problems whom he should talk to about the problems. Tip Whom is an object pronoun. We can use who instead of whom. More problems and questions where who why when how what Work out the rule different from Daniel has some questions. Rewrite his questions by using object clauses introduced by question words. 2. I wonder _________________________. 3.


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