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薄片岩石学 课程编号 开课学期:1 周学时/总学时: 2/36 学分:2 英文名称:Petrography;Rock = mineral assemblage + fabric ;How to distinguish igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks?;Phaneritic rock with 10% felsic minerals;Rock classification based on chemistry;Classification of Igneous Rocks;Minerals;Bowen reaction series;Textures and structures;Igneous Textures;Figure 3-8. Ophitic texture. A single pyroxene envelops several well-developed plagioclase laths. Width 1 mm. Skaerg?rd intrusion, E. Greenland. ? John Winter and Prentice Hall.;Figure 3-11. b. Resorbed and embayed olivine phenocryst. Width 0.3 mm. ? John Winter and Prentice Hall.;Figure 3-11. c. Hornblende phenocryst dehydrating to Fe-oxides plus pyroxene due to pressure release upon eruption, andesite. Crater Lake, OR. Width 1 mm. ? John Winter and Prentice Hall.;Figure 3-13. Flow banding in andesite. Mt. Rainier, WA. ? John Winter and Prentice Hall.;向扮允妊坏潮眨李魄仿嫩奢玻碱构稻脑埋让吞愧钙辛廉今剩客媳姑梭店唬薄片岩石学1课件薄片岩石学1课件;Dunite ? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Almost all of the grains in this rock are olivine. Note the high order interference colors of olivine and the minor secondary calcite which occurs as veinlets through the sample.;Hypersthene gabbro ? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Plagioclase and hypersthene (orthopyroxene) dominate this rock. This slide may have been cut a little too thick, accounting for the higher-than-expected interference colors of the hypersthene.;Biotite Granite ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Minerals in this rock include quartz, plagioclase, biotite, and K-feldspar. Note the minor myrmekite in this sample.;Myrmekite ? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Myrmekitic texture defined by wormy (rounded) intergrowths of quartz and K-feldspar in plagioclase which is adjacent to K-feldspar. Probably forms as a result of subsolidus exchange. Compare this texture to micrographic texture. ;Sub-gra


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