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Chapter One Making friends; New words (P85); 8. own –owner own= have Who owns this house? ( on one’s own 独自地) 9. architect 建筑师 ; (builder 建筑者) 10. form = grade {com.} from 来自 We’re in Form One. 11. friend—friendly 反义词 unfriendly be friendly to sb. (~ be nice/ kind to sb.) 12. keen (be keen on sth. 热衷于) She’s keen on dancing. =She likes dancing very much. (=be interested in doing sth./enjoy doing sth.喜爱); 13. physics 物理 (P.E.体育= physical education) 14. engine发动机-- engineer 工程师 15. wish (best wishes; get one’s wish 如愿以偿) I wish you a very happy future. 16. length –long 长度—长的 width--wide宽度-宽的 height—high 高度—高的 depth--deep 深度-深的 e.g. He is 163 cm tall.=He is 163cm in height. How tall is he?=What’s his height? The river is 390 km. long/in length, 15 meters wide/in width, 9 meters deep/in depth.;18. birth –birthday birthplace 出生地 (give birth to 生育; be born出生) When is your birthday? It’s on September 5. Where is your birth place? His mother gave birth to a baby girl. When were you born? I was born on June 24. 19. rat = big mouse 20. age What’s your age? = How old are you? My age is twelve.= I’m twelve years old. 21. excellent ~ outstanding 优秀的,出色的 What an excellent job! (Well-done) ;22. work as +职业的名称 My father works as a doctor.=My father is a doctor. 23. in the middle (of) [ in the centre of 在中心] He is in the middle of(among) the students. 24. reply to = answer He replies to/answers my letter every week. 25. hear from sb.=get/receive a letter from… Do you often hear from your uncle? Do you often receive/get letters from you uncle?;table tennis;badminton; Pre-reading;My favourite hobby is playing football. Are you right? How about you?;My favourite hobby is playing basketball.;riding bicycle;√;address;Read the following statements and say T (True) or F (False);1. Where are my name and address? 2. What would you like to be? 3. What


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