
基于序列偶的扩频通信系统性能分析 performance analysis of the spread spectrum communication system based on sequence pairs.pdfVIP

基于序列偶的扩频通信系统性能分析 performance analysis of the spread spectrum communication system based on sequence pairs.pdf

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基于序列偶的扩频通信系统性能分析 performance analysis of the spread spectrum communication system based on sequence pairs

研究设计 电 子 测 量 技 术 第30 卷 第l 期 ELECTRONIC MEASUREMENT TECHNOLOGY 2007 年l 月 基于序列偶的扩频通信系统性能分析 钟文广 肖丽萍 (燕山大学信息科学与工程学院 秦皇岛 066004 ) 摘! 要:在扩频通信系统中,伪随机码(PN )性能的优劣将直接关系到系统性能的好坏。本文从最佳离散信号的概念引 入序列偶。在介绍了序列偶定义和相关理论的基础上,分析序列偶自相关特性,将序列偶作为一种新的扩频序列应用到 扩频通信系统中,并用软件对该通信系统误码率性能进行仿真,仿真结果表明,序列偶作为扩频序列的系统误码率性能 在一定条件下比用 Goid 序列、m 序列作为扩频序列的扩频通信系统误码率性能更佳,这说明序列偶作为扩频序列在某些 场合是可行的。 关键词:扩频通信;序列偶;自相关;误码率 中图分类号:TN944. l 文献标识码:A Performance analysis of the spread spectrum communication system based on seguence pairs zhong Wenguang Xiao Liping (The Coiiege of Information Science and Engineering ,Yanshan University ,oinhuangdao 066004 ) Abstract :In spread spectrum communication system ,the capabiiity of pseudo-noise (PN )code can impact the performance of the whoie system directiy. In this paper,seguence pairs was introduced from the perfect discrete signai. On the basis of the introduction of the conception and the reievant theory,after anaiyzing the performance of its autocorreiation ,seguence pairs was appiied in spread spectrum communication system as a new spreading seguence. Through comparing the performance of the simuiated system on code error rate with Goid seguence and m seguence as spreading seguence,we couid find the performance of system based on seguence pairs was better than that of systems based on Goid seguence and m seguence in some conditions,and it was conciuded that seguence pair couid be utiiized as another effective spreading seguence in some occasions. Keywords :spread spectrum communication ;seguence p



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