
基于转矩滑模观测器的抗负载扰动控制方法 anti-load disturbance control method based on torque sliding mode observer.pdfVIP

基于转矩滑模观测器的抗负载扰动控制方法 anti-load disturbance control method based on torque sliding mode observer.pdf

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基于转矩滑模观测器的抗负载扰动控制方法 anti-load disturbance control method based on torque sliding mode observer

第41 卷 第8 期 电力系统保护与控制 Vol.41 No.8 2013 年4 月16 日 Power System Protection and Control Apr.16, 2013 基于转矩滑模观测器的抗负载扰动控制方法 陈天翔,张 辑,彭彦卿 (厦门理工学院电气工程与自动化学院, 福建 厦门 361024) 摘要:针对负载转矩扰动对永磁同步电机控制性能的影响,将负载转矩和转速作为状态变量,选取转速实际值与观测值的偏 差作为滑模切换面,设计负载转矩滑模观测器用于实现负载转矩的在线辨识。该观测器结构简单,适用于不同电流控制策略 下永磁同步电机的负载转矩的在线估计。然后将实时辨识的负载转矩引入到电流环控制中形成对参考转矩的前馈补偿,抑制 负载时变对控制性能的影响。理论分析及实验表明,该观测器能够准确观测负载转矩,采用的前馈补偿策略能够有效地抑制 负载转矩突变对转速的影响,改善了控制系统的动态响应性能。 关键词:矢量控制;负载转矩;滑模观测器;前馈补偿;永磁同步电机 Anti-load disturbance control method based on torque sliding mode observer CHEN Tian-xiang, ZHANG Ji, PENG Yan-qing (Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Xiamen University of Technology, Xiamen 361024, China) Abstract: The load torque disturbance w ill affect the c ontrol o f permanent m agnet s ynchronous m otor (P MSM). To s olve t his problem, this paper proposes a load torque sliding mode observer. The state variables are speed and load torque; errors between the real and the observed speed are selected as a s liding mode hyper plane. The observer has a simple structure and can identify load torque of permanent magnet synchronous motor under different current control strategies. Through the introduction of load torque feed-forward compensation, the influence on the performance of control system caused by load torque disturbance can be inhibited. Theoretical analysis and experimental results show that the sliding mode torque observer can estimate the load torque precisely, and the feed-forward compensation can improve the dynamic response efficiently. Key words: vector control; load torque; sliding mode observer; feed-forward compensation; permanent magnet synchronous motor 中图分类号: TM301.2 文献标识码:A



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