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Theoretical Discussion / 理论研讨/ 对现行有关随班就读政策法规的分析 * ■陈燕琴 兰继军 【摘要】 随班就读是一种为保障残疾儿童平等接受教育的合法权利、使其就近进入普通 学校学习的特殊教育安置模式。随班就读工作的开展需要完善的政策法规及实施细则为其提 供权威性的保障和实践依据。我国现行有关随班就读政策法规体系建设已取得显著成效,但 还存在实施中随意性大、缺乏严格的鉴定和评估工作制度、缺乏可操作的随班就读教师资格 准入制度等问题,应尽快予以完善,以顺应“全纳教育”的理念,促进残疾儿童健康成长。 【关键词】 随班就读 ;政策法规 ;分析 Analysis of Current Policies and Regulations on Learning in General Classroom in China CHEN Yan-Qin, LAN Ji-Jun 【 】Learning in general classroom is a special education and resettlement mode Abstract which could realize the right of equal education for the disabled children and juveniles into the nearby regular school. Relevant policies and regulations should be formulated to provide guarantee of the authority and practical basis. Through inspecting China’s current mainstreaming policies and regulations, it found out that there are huge progress in the establishment of policies and regulations on learning in general classroom. However, problems remain: lack of strict appraisal and assessment system and operational system of mainstreaming teachers qualification and admittance. Therefore, special attentions should be paid to improve the system of identification and evaluation on students as well as the system of teachers’ qualification admittance. Measures should be taken to implement principles of “inclusive education” to promote the healthy growth of the disabled child. 【 】Learning in general classroom; Policies and regulations; Analysis Key words [ 中图分类号 ]C913.69 [ 文献标识码 ]A [ 文章编号 ]2095-0810(2014)16-0061-04 引言 革和发展规划纲要》提出“关心和支持特殊教育”, 《残疾人权利公约》中明确规定,各缔约国应 2012 年党的十八大报告进一步要求“支持


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