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36“记”之自然灾害★★★;核;1. _________ n.飓风 2.typhoon n.____ 3.tornado n.龙卷风 4._________ n.干旱 5.______ n.警报 6.humid adj.潮湿的 7.humidity n.___________ 8.____________ n.现象 9.shake n.摇;震动 10.burst vi.__________ 11.ruin n废墟;12.injure vt.损害 13.destroy vt.破坏;毁坏 14.useless adj.无用的 15.shock vt.使……震惊 16.quake n.地震 17._______ n.救援 18._______ n.灾难 19.______ n.掩蔽;避难处 20.bury vt.埋 21.________ vt.破坏;损坏 22.__________ adj.害怕的; 特别关注 1.burst(3年2考)★★★★★ burst out crying/laughing突然大哭/笑 burst into laughter/tears突然笑/哭起来 burst into闯入 burst in闯进来 burst open突然打开 ①The baby burst out crying at the sight of his doctor. 宝宝一看到医生就突然哭起来了。 ②The bank was reported to be burst into last night. 据报道昨晚有人闯入了银行。 ;2.damage(3年2考)★★★★ damage ones health损害健康 damage ones good name毁坏好的名声 cause/do damage to对……造成损害 The storm did a lot of damage to the crops. 暴风雨使庄稼遭受了很大损失。 ; damage/destroy/ruin (1)damage是程度较小的“破坏,损坏”,强调价值、用途降低或外表损坏等。一般指被破坏的物品可以重新修复。 (2)destroy常指彻底的、不能或很难修复的“破坏、毁坏”,程度较深,强调“毁坏”的力度和彻底性;也可用于损坏抽象的东西,比如名誉、计划、努力、契约等。 (3)ruin亦指彻底毁掉,但不含有以某种摧毁性的力量进行破坏,而含有在一定的过程中逐渐毁掉的意思;强调使某物失去优良的特性或特征。;核;1. thunder and lightning雷电交加 2.weather forecast天气预报 3.greenhouse effect温室效应 4.global warming全球变暖 5.right away立刻;马上 6.calm down平静下来 7.burst out爆发 8.burst into突然…… 9.__ ruins废墟 10.dig out挖掘;11.give out分发;发出 12.prepare ___为……做准备 13.instead of代替;不是 14.at an end完结,结束 15.a (great) number of大量的 16.be shocked at对……感到震惊 17.take shelter _____躲避 18.break down垮掉 19.crowd __涌入 20.blow down吹倒 ;核;1. This has been the worst in the past decade/ten years. 这是十年来最严重的一次。 2.It is reported that the heavy rainfall caused rivers to break their banks,washing away bridges. 据报道大水冲垮了堤防和桥梁。 3.The rescue work is going on/is still under way. 救灾工作正在进行中。;4.In the meantime,people nationwide are taking an active part in raising funds for disaster areas/people nationwide are actively donating money to the disaster area.与此同时,全国人民都在积极为灾区捐款。 5.It was estimated that the economic losses was more than 9.7 billion yuan.估计造成经济损失达9


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