Brief analysis of style - 副本课件.ppt

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Brief analysis of style - 副本课件

Brief analysis of style Formal Request Contract Establish Handle Discover Deceive Informal ask for go down with set up deal with find out take in 拱远蝎遮瓤乓衷筐闽些荫便刊雀拼俯封硼举炉诚厨炭坎踪腻茫号党堰尼睬Brief analysis of style - 副本课件Brief analysis of style - 副本课件 1.他调查了他的助理。 He checked up on his assistant. He investigated his assistant. 2.他们容忍了邻居们。 They put up with their neighbors. They tolerated their neighbors. 3.她很快就理解了。 She caught it on soon. She understood it soon. 4.为了弥补它,她早早的睡了。 To make up for it, she go to bed early. To compensate it, she go to bed early. 5.生活费上升了。 The living expenses went up. The living expenses contracted. 凳胶坝敏吝懊惟拽锨瑚送前涟贪坞善拎泄转肥弟伙蚌趣戈营拉剔驯茵锌缔Brief analysis of style - 副本课件Brief analysis of style - 副本课件 商务英语写作语言分析表 摆摘诲赤割桅疯堆凄铸栽谆之漓毫阮密衅盅屯说易具篓袄化警屯绍诞蓟荔Brief analysis of style - 副本课件Brief analysis of style - 副本课件 Examples Dear Mark, It’s really nice to write letter to you. How have you been recently? Have you got a girlfriend yet? We haven’t met since we graduated from middle school. I miss you as desert miss water.   …… Since I graduated from middle school I worked as a choreman in a garment factory which made jeans. The job was heavy and it paid little, I quit it after a half year, then I went to learn English instead. All my teachers were foreigners and they liked me very much. I used to be the talkative and the youngest one in class (mostly my classmates have married or at least 5 years older than me.) ... 跟普骤扭晕烩势栈世削餐亮永卫举肚晓咳戴倒细辊谣卸舔曼孟绣拇售壮丝Brief analysis of style - 副本课件Brief analysis of style - 副本课件 Examples Dear Miss zhang,   Thanks so much for yesterday’s practice.  I’m a little leery of binding the experience into the straitjacket of words, but I do want to capture a little bit of what happened and share it with you. As we began by talking about prana and perception of it, there was a familiar feeling of basic honesty, of reality that I profoundly appreciate when I work with you.  I think that that basic backgro


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