Ch9.5-6 Minimum Spanning Tree, Depth-First Search课件.ppt

Ch9.5-6 Minimum Spanning Tree, Depth-First Search课件.ppt

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Ch9.5-6 Minimum Spanning Tree, Depth-First Search课件

* §5 Minimum Spanning Tree 【Definition】 A spanning tree of a graph G is a tree which consists of V( G ) and a subset of E( G ) 〖Example〗 A complete graph and three of its spanning trees Note: The minimum spanning tree is a tree since it is acyclic -- the number of edges is |V| – 1. It is minimum for the total cost of edges is minimized. It is spanning because it covers every vertex. A minimum spanning tree exists iff G is connected. Adding a non-tree edge to a spanning tree, we obtain a cycle. 1/9 蜘帅栈轨迂宋夕蹭穴逆转袖古镶烬酋宪耍慕恰套胯脚见傲约苍舔稽颜糜瞒Ch9.5-6 Minimum Spanning Tree, Depth-First Search课件Ch9.5-6 Minimum Spanning Tree, Depth-First Search课件 §5 Minimum Spanning Tree Greedy Method Make the best decision for each stage, under the following constrains : (1) we must use only edges within the graph; (2) we must use exactly |V| ?1 edges; (3) we may not use edges that would produce a cycle. 1. Prim’s Algorithm – grow a tree /* very similar to Dijkstra’s algorithm */ v1 v2 v6 v7 v3 v4 v5 2 4 2 1 3 10 7 5 8 4 6 1 2/9 祖睡郡冈南鼻胎筐岔塔步迅皂鸵拢谋次卧税屈得险慕斗渠冕烟意账怪会惩Ch9.5-6 Minimum Spanning Tree, Depth-First Search课件Ch9.5-6 Minimum Spanning Tree, Depth-First Search课件 §5 Minimum Spanning Tree 2. Kruskal’s Algorithm – maintain a forest void Kruskal ( Graph G ) { T = { } ; while ( T contains less than |V| ?1 edges E is not empty ) { choose a least cost edge (v, w) from E ; delete (v, w) from E ; if ( (v, w) does not create a cycle in T ) add (v, w) to T ; else discard (v, w) ; } if ( T contains fewer than |V| ?1 edges ) Error ( “No spanning tree” ) ; } /* DeleteMin */ /* Union / Find */ A more detailed pseudocode is given by Figure 9.58 on p.321 T = O( |E| log |E| ) Home work: p.341 9.15 A test case and a discussion on uniqueness. 3/9 最欢获饿广裔暮挖尚胀蓬歼骚欠闸耸痪栖谤皱阎廉前粪誊躁挖毡袍堑忽状Ch9.5-6 Minimum Spanning Tree, Depth-First Search课件Ch9.5-6 Minimum Spanning Tree, Depth-First Search课件 §6 Applications of Depth-First Sear


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