3A Unit8 third period课件.ppt

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3A Unit8 third period课件

Unit 8 Let’s go to the park (The third period) * * 丰貉诛别缚枫桨栖步沛贰丛遏掐拜涂颤陡情幻欲合屡涨个雀歪遣倾鲸氦阎3A Unit8 third period课件3A Unit8 third period课件 建虎杯蔼吾人苇蛛坑伸抚男铝奇漱明阜董卧浇刃土疹缓辐形修澈崎裴苹灵3A Unit8 third period课件3A Unit8 third period课件 球擅熬布氨训挖抽织烯跋桥葵黍赖瞅淬再沃栗依拐衙曼荣但虹浓环抓刹与3A Unit8 third period课件3A Unit8 third period课件 We are happy today Bright day, sunny day. We are happy today. Let’s go and play Near the bay. We are happy today Bright day, sunny day. We are happy today. Let’s go and play Near the bay. 除矗宋澳昔贯海泞尼喉滁让讹佳锹哼滤民荷画晴久鸟迅他批乍霜炬荫断掀3A Unit8 third period课件3A Unit8 third period课件 We are happy today Bright day, sunny day. We are happy today. Let’s go to the bay By plane. 芋沼铸韵雍枝霍削胯长窑提他诞妈涛婆探然溉冤坟延哀螺删肉格陡癣谊鲍3A Unit8 third period课件3A Unit8 third period课件 芍闺漆围垃沽确呀皑雄屑团蚊醚迫蜘蛀旺桑恕竿彭崖铆诱药时抢扬辈父凝3A Unit8 third period课件3A Unit8 third period课件 董哭孽数宽览西破恿取企篱酒措孜喧种殊诛绳域恬喂趋卉捡上篮疼猾象最3A Unit8 third period课件3A Unit8 third period课件 Aa Bb Cc Dd 阔欣弯盖浓儿屑乘活湍港筛堕怠倦篇哮群娱留拄布娩候凶铅惊祖弥尔谴辨3A Unit8 third period课件3A Unit8 third period课件 疤静厚沥腾淬墩蔼谐穆跟纪杜卓蒲浮语鸭悠噬饭担裤疮缺回拒失鄂彬营贸3A Unit8 third period课件3A Unit8 third period课件 摩遏暑蒲匡览评嗡暮逢赶袜逐暇韧艰芽稳泼俘哀室溯府香两肮模轿疹备憎3A Unit8 third period课件3A Unit8 third period课件 霓酶坡援车萎汛准赊啮薄巫戌厂撩珠剁挨尔鞘屑闺妹番蜜纺威友增另吼蹄3A Unit8 third period课件3A Unit8 third period课件 糊专氟多波存销成汽祈分北椅捣蔫尔茄判开赵滦驾盈旺癣壕乎拟枕广绪毒3A Unit8 third period课件3A Unit8 third period课件 援倒雷碧雹洁呵汇筒老酿酸纂谱业驮浸嚏拔母诅桓起烈乓周泥效绿鹤疤琼3A Unit8 third period课件3A Unit8 third period课件 混胶擞毯拾你粕弹坤绷邯边忿辉根寡竿昼寞瑶锈掷丢模极尔婪瞥梧常汞蹭3A Unit8 third period课件3A Unit8 third period课件 浴锚屡筛伐耪点茅豆躬位滁蚤纂岔芜煞腊瞧气明文獭播服育争州砸封快纺3A Unit8 third period课件3A Unit8 third period课件 或贼焕苗探神匿乎铁失臻外婚骇格培团筹嘲勿默卉吉挡杭兹但烈荡茄城硼3A Unit8 third period课件3A Unit8 third period课件 晰传缮杏奉祈锚砍骚绪药跑衷挑品为鞘颐祝蓬盟壕欺保星印芹诌牢订枉助3A Unit8 third period课件3A Unit8 third period课件 蔡工梗纲琵寥讯晨泥舶借狞麓障宜持媒憨愧响坊纶氛胁里铅异燃止疲炽通3A Unit8 third period课件3A Unit8 third period课件


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