unit 2 Two kinds课件.ppt

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unit 2 Two kinds课件

Two Kinds;About the author; The Joy Luck Club;;How to appreciate stories;A. Setting: when and where the story takes place;B Plot;Structure of the story ;C. Conflict;two types of conflict;four kinds of conflict ;D Theme ;What is the theme of this story? Miscommunication between immigrant parents and their American-born children . . . . .;E. Point of View;First-person narration;;;F. Characters;The Characteristics of a Person;;Text Appreciation;Part I of the story (para.1-3) Exposition;;with almost no money down;Rising Action (Para 4-60) ;;;;;;a dainty ballerina girl: a small, pretty and delicate girl who dances in ballets. “crying with holy indignity” ---- The author is being humorous here. Jesus Christ did everything with holy dignity, such as preaching and healing the sick. But when he was a newborn baby, and when he was lifted out of the straw manger(草槽), he cried just like other ordinary babies, without holy dignity, but with indignity. Yet, because he was the holy Son of God, his indignity was holy, too. beyond reproach: reproach: [ ripr?ut? ]? ? n. 责备,耻辱v. 责备,申斥 完美无缺 ;Subsection 2 (Para 12-20);difficult tests;;;I looked in the mirror…;;Subsection 3(Paras.21-28);;She seemed to be...playful parts.;How special is the girl playing the piano on TV?;The girl had the sauciness of a ShirleyTemple.;reams of: a large amount of writing on paper sheet music: music that is printed on single sheets and not fastened together inside a cover 活页乐谱 bad-mouth: to find fault with, to criticize pick on sb: blame sb for sth, esp,unfairly ;Subsection 4(Paras.29-46);If she had as much talent as she had temper, she would be famous now.;tapping his fingers to the silent music of an invisible orchestra;;;;;Story Reviewing;Subsection 5(Paras. 47-60);; ;The part I liked...look up and smile.;;A chill started...the right track.;;Reactions from all ;Climax Subsection 6 (Paras.61-76);;It felt like worms and toads and slimy things crawling out of my chest, but it also felt good, as if th


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