Unit 8 Two Truths to Live By课件.ppt

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Unit 8 Two Truths to Live By课件

Unit 8 Two Truths to Live By;Contents page;Objectives;Pre-R: picture activation-1;Pre-R: Pre-questions-1;Pre-R: Pre-questions-2;G-R: text introduction;G-R: CN- rabbis;G-R: author bio;G-R: structure;DR-p1-text;DR-p2-3 text;DR-p4-5 text;DR-p6-7 text;DR-p8-9 text;DR-p10-11 text;DR-p12 text;DR-p13-14 text;DR-p15-16 text;DR-p17 text;DR:p1 Analysis;DR:p2-3 Analysis;DR:p4-5 Analysis;DR:p6-7 Analysis;DR:p8-9 Analysis;DR:p10-11 Analysis;DR:p12-13 Analysis;DR:p14-15 Analysis;DR:p16-17 Analysis;DR-Question-p1;DR-Question-p3;DR-Question-p6;DR-Question-p14;DR-Question-p16;LPT- when to hold fast and when let go;LPT- for life is a paradox;LPT- paradox;LPT- enjoin;LPT- The rabbis of old;LPT- surely we ought to hold fast to life;LPT- wondrous;LPT- pore;LPT- only in our backward glance;LPT- we remember a beauty that;LPT- wane;LPT- The required machines were located;LPT- wheel;LPT- the sunlight hit me;LPT- that’s all there was to my experience;LPT- then I remembered how often;LPT- preoccupy;LPT- petty;LPT- splendor;LPT- the insight gleaned from that;LPT- glean;LPT- commonplace;LPT- heedless;LPT- Never be too busy for the wonder and the awe;LPT- awe;LPT- hold fast to life;LPT- let go;LPT- but then life moves along to;LPT- dawn;LPT- at every stage of life we sustain;LPT- sustain;LPT- when we emerge from the womb;LPT- enter a progression of schools;LPT- childhood home;LPT- enter a progression of schools;LPT- but why should we be reconciled to;LPT- reconcile;LPT- in order to resolve this paradox;LPT- perspective;LPT- the institutions we build endure;LPT- our flesh may perish;LPT- perish;LPT- wither;LPT- purse not so much the ;LPT- pursue;LPT- add justice to ;LPT- you have a future lighted with the radiant ;LPT- radiant;CT-p1;CT-p2-3;CT-p4-5;CT-p6-7;CT-p8-9;CT-p10-11;CT-p12;CT-p13-14;CT-p15-16;CT-p17;Consolidation NAV page;CA-text comprehension-1;CA-text comprehension-2;CA-text comprehension-3;CA-writing strategies-1;CA-writing strategies-2;CA-LGWK-explaining-1;CA-LGWK-explaining-2;CA-LGWK


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