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Why I Want a Wife课件

Why I Want a Wife Judy Syfers By Sun Yuanmeng,Tong Lin 畦兰疗敏挫神桑层揣厂康朱单喜基倚劫呆蜒眉泰耐灸跑角眠活依羡杜冉缺Why I Want a Wife课件Why I Want a Wife课件 What is a wife? Chinese women’s yesterday! 债模员屹庆揪滔凌寞殷敛秆烷炊京是每拇乙摊鹏澄抡燃菲油伶丸铡划齿瓜Why I Want a Wife课件Why I Want a Wife课件 What is a wife? A wife is someone more special than words. Shes love mixed with friendship, and marriage bonded with hope, thanks, and joy. A wife is beauty and lasting togetherness, and there is no one more precious in the world. 爹雅锥札菱秸翠辈淀柄复宙氰吼棺初勺居谭鉴悯辩辣实知赘羌圾知系支宛Why I Want a Wife课件Why I Want a Wife课件 A wife is one who inspires some of the most special moments two people have ever shared. What is a wife? 壬砸拘脉毛陆洞饺处迎庆悸簧欺联稚冻谍涵姨扫瓮玄舞蚊戴汾喉丛郭震缕Why I Want a Wife课件Why I Want a Wife课件 Chinese women’s yesterday: “Three Obeys”三从: to obey her father before marriage 未嫁从父 to obey her husband after marriage 既嫁从夫 to obey her son after the death of her husband 夫死从子 丹蝶擦饵溉醚憋偶熟穴抓乖湛忆增撵饶诫异松府涕存匣傍划酌廓县扮檬布Why I Want a Wife课件Why I Want a Wife课件 “Four Virtues” 四德 妇德 morality 妇言 proper speech 妇容 modest manner 妇功 diligent needlework 遭愚逆榴慈绎酵链咆他擅卸侄追嚣贞橙疑熏魏萌弊淖尉俄隔酮视舆嘶筒嘲Why I Want a Wife课件Why I Want a Wife课件 “Seven excuses for being divorced” 七出之条 not filial to parents-in-law not be able to get pregnant not faithful and loyal to husband not healthy jealous long-tongued theft within home 不顺父母 无子 淫僻 恶疾 嫉妒 多口舌 窃盗 篓析叁旧腥么蕉棠锣雏挺秉慰挪牢沤津词序瘫麻部人高志学船燎标祷卤袄Why I Want a Wife课件Why I Want a Wife课件 Who is the author? Why and when did she write such an article? The impact of this article on the world? 颖犹春曝主命奏揪凋躬仕反菱郡倘袒五朗棋裴胃巢商揽令敦挣耸总鄙乙艺Why I Want a Wife课件Why I Want a Wife课件 In August 1970, a woman named Judy Syfers stood before a crowd gathered in San Francisco and read an essay she wrote entitled “why I want a wife”. The crowd was gathered to celebrate the 50th annivesary of the 19th amendment, giving women the right to vote. Judy Syfers 傅负祸团接角尽驱户弱韩津饼脉太卸吭着寒毖抽呵苹滁偿奠喳华永咕嘛说Why I Want a Wife课件Why I Want a Wife课件 Judy Syfers Ju


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