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咖啡因、牛磺酸、维生素B族在红牛功能饮料抗短期运动疲劳实验中功效的研究 蒋凌明,柯彩萍 吴 侃,张丽娜 (广州暨南大学医学院临床医学系2004级) [摘要] 目的:研究咖啡因、牛磺酸、维生素B族在红牛功能饮料抗短期运动疲劳中的功效,为揭示红牛功能饮料抗疲劳的原理及合理应用提供理论依据。 方法:以疲劳仪测量分别给予生理盐水、咖啡因、牛磺酸、维生素B族合剂和红牛功能饮料原液的小鼠的强迫运动时间,并比较各组之间的差异。 结果:给予咖啡因和红牛功能饮料原液的小鼠在疲劳仪上运动时间均显著延长,但红牛功能饮料原液此效果更明显,而给与牛磺酸和维生素B族的小鼠运动时间较短,差异具有显著性。 结论:咖啡因是红牛功能饮料抗短期运动疲劳的主要功效成分,但红牛功能饮料中尚可能存在除咖啡因、牛磺酸和维生素B族以外的其他功效成分。 [关键词] 抗疲劳;红牛功能饮料;咖啡因;牛磺酸;维生素B族 EFFICACY OF CAFFEINE,TAURINE,VITAMIN B IN REDBULL ENERGY DRINK ANTI-SHORT-TERM EXERCISE-INDUCED FATIGUE EFFECT JIANG Ling-ming,KE Cai-ping,WU Kan,ZHANG Li-na (Department of Clinical Medicine, Medical College of Jinan University, Guangzhou) [ABSTRACT] AIM Observe the efficacy of caffeine, taurine, Vitamin B in Redbull Energy Drink anti-short-term exercise-induced fatigue effect to explore the theoretical evidence for the anti-fatigue effect of Redbull Energy Drink and rational usage. METHODS Mice were fed with normal saline, caffeine, taurine, Vitamin B mixture and Redbull Energy Drink stock solution, then use fatigue measuring instrument to examine the anti-fatigue effect and compare the diversity. RESULTS The performance on the fatigue measuring instrument of the mice fed with caffeine and Redbull Energy Drink stock solution were both significantly improved. Redbull Energy Drink had a more distinctive improvement while taurine and Vitamin B decreased the sporting time. The differences between each group were remarkable. CONCLUSION Caffeine may be the major efficient ingredient of Redbull Energy Drink in anti-short-term exercise-induced fatigue, but there is latent possibility that Redbull Energy Drink contains more efficient components other than caffeine, taurine and Vitamin B. [KEY WORDS] Anti-fatigue, Redbull Energy Drink, Caffeine, Taurine, Vitamin B 引言 红牛功能饮料(Redbull Energy Drink)最早起源于泰国,经奥地利红牛股份有限公司(Red Bull GmbH)发展,现已成为在奥地利、泰国、中国、越南等地生产和在全球120多个国家和地区销售的知名功能性饮料,其主料包含咖啡因(caffeine)、牛磺酸(taurine)、烟酸(niacin,维生素B3)、泛酸(pantothenic acid,维生素B5)、维生素B6(Vitamin B6)、维