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含汞气田汞腐蚀控制 陈倩1 蒋洪1 牛瑞1 1. 西南石油大学石油与天然气工程学院,四川省成都市 610500 摘 要: 介绍了汞在油气田中的分布情况以及天然气中的汞对人体、环境产生的危害,主要突出汞对气田中设备的腐蚀性。探讨了汞对金属的三类腐蚀机理,即汞齐化、汞齐腐蚀和液态金属脆化腐蚀(LME)。研究比较了汞对各种金属的腐蚀强烈程度,结果表明汞对铝合金和不含铬的镍合金(UNS N04400)腐蚀较严重,而对镍合金、不锈钢、钴合金和碳钢的腐蚀性很小,但双相不锈钢在含汞环境中的使用还需谨慎。提出了含汞气田汞腐蚀控制措施,最根本的措施是脱除天然气中的汞,分干气脱汞和湿气脱汞方案,同时设备和管道应采用抗汞腐蚀性好的金属材料并对设备等使用防汞腐蚀涂层,如国外General Magnaplate公司的HCR涂层,辅以定期检测管道和设备的汞腐蚀情况,即时对产生汞聚积的管道和设备进行清汞处理,可使用物理清洗法或化学清洗法,这样就能有效的预防汞腐蚀事故的发生。 关键词 :含汞气田 ;汞腐蚀 ;腐蚀机理 ;控制措施 Mercury Corrosion Control in Gas filed Abstract: This paper introduces the distribution of mercury and the mercury corrosion of equipment in oil and gas field. Discussed three types of corrosion mechanism of mercury, namely the amalgam, amalgam corrosion and liquid metal embrittlement (LME). According to the corrosion mechanism, focused on comparison of mercury corrosion to the various metal, the results tell that the aluminum alloy and no-chromium nickel alloy UNS N04400) showed significant Hg-LME susceptibility, and the nickel alloy, stainless steel, cobalt alloy and carbon steel showed quite low Hg-LME susceptibility. But the duplex stainless steel which used in the mercury environment also need to be cautious. This article also proposed the mercury corrosion control measures, the most fundamental measure is to remove the mercury in natural gas, the methods divided into the dry gas mercury removal and moisture removal mercury scheme. At the meantime, equipment and pipelines should be made of materials which are well mercury resistant and with good anti corrosion coating, such as HCR coating of General Magnaplate Corporation. Other measures including detecting the corrosion situation of pipeline and equipment regularly and removing mercury from the pipelines and equipment instantly with physical cleaning method or chemical cleaning method can also be made control mercury corrosion. All these measures can prevent the occurrence of mercury corrosion accident effectively. Keywords: mercury gas field, mercury corros


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