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生物科技系Department of Biological Science and Technology 一、必修科目Required Courses 生物學(1) 3必 胡紹揚、上   生物學為生命科學基礎科目,屬於總論性質的課程。本課程學生能 Biology(1) 3R S. Y. Hu, F   Biology lecture is a foundational course of life science. The content of this course comprise the chemistry of life, cell structure, genetics, mechanisms of evolution, and ecology. After complete this course, students can understand the basic knowledge of life phenomenon. 202002 生物學實驗(1) 1必 徐志宏廖培鈞、上 本實驗課程在使學生能以實驗印證理論,增進學生對理論之瞭解。實驗內容包括顯微鏡操作、生物含細菌、真菌、原生動物、植物與動物細胞的觀察、擴散作用、滲透作用之測定等。 202002 Biology Lab.(1) 1R D. J. H. Shyu P. C. Liao , F The laboratory work is to acquaint students with both practical operation and theoretical aspects of the lecture subjects. The contents include the operate microscope, look and describe the organism including bacteria, fungi, protozoa, plant and animal cell, measurement of diffusion, osmosis. 202003 分析化學 徐睿良、下 分析化學主要含概定性與定量的分析方法以及離析的分析方法,本課程的主要目的為使學生瞭解組成樣品物質中各成份相對含量的離析、驗證與確認等工作。所探討的主題包括(1)分析化學的化學原理(2)實驗數據準確度與精密度的評定(3)介紹當前分析化學得各種技術。 Analytical Chemistry 2R J. L. Hsu , S The course in analytical chemistry deals principally with qualitative and quantitative methods of analysis and methods of analytical separation. The major objective of this course is to familiarize the students with separating, identifying, and determining the relative amounts of the components making up a sample of matter. The discussion topics will include the following;(1)the chemical principles of analytical chemistry,(2)judging the accuracy and precision of experimental data,(3)introduction of a wide range of techniques in modern analytical chemistry. 202004分析化學 1必 徐睿良、下本課程為化學而開設,使熟練一般實驗技術操作,進而教材理論了解。。每一實驗、 Analytical Chemistry Lab. 1R J. L. Hsu, S The course is complementary to the principle of Analytical Chemistry and aimed to provide practical training in operation techniques involved in regular analytical flowcharts for students. The content includes buffer prepar



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