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Atmospheric Science and Pollution ENV 4030 (3 credits) 大气科学与污染 Textbook Atmospheric Pollution History, Science, and Regulation By Mark Z. Jacobson Cambridge 2002 Preface Atmospheric pollution = air pollution ??? Natural air pollution: volcano eruption 火山爆发 , fumaroles火山喷气孔, natural fires自然火灾, desert dust沙尘暴 2. Anthropogenic (manmade 人为) air pollution Air pollution problems on the Earth are as old as the Earth itself Air is not privately owned; instead, it is common property共同财产 Manmade pollution 1. Urban smog 城市烟雾 2. Indoor air pollution (indoor air quality, IAQ) 3. Acid deposition 酸雨 4. Antarctic ozone depletion 南极臭氧层空洞 (global ozone reduction 全球臭氧损耗) 5. Global warming 全球变暖 (green house effect 温室效应) Chapter 1 Basics and History of Discovery of Atmospheric Chemicals 大气化学物的发现历史 1.6. Summary In this chapter, atoms, molecules, elements, and compounds were defined and a history of the discovery of elements and compounds of atmospheric importance was given. Only a few elements, including carbon, sulfur, and certain metals, and a few solid compound, including calcite方解石, halite石盐, and nitre硝石, were known in ancient times古代. An acceleration of the discovery of elements and compounds, particularly of gases, occurred near the end of the eighteenth century 18世纪末 1790s. 1.6. Summary (continued) Several types of chemical reactions化学反应 occur in the air, including photolysis光分解, kinetic动力学, thermal decomposition热分解, isomerization异构化, and combination reactions化合反应. The rate of reaction反应速度 depends on the reactivity活性 and concentration of molecules. The chemical e-folding lifetime指数递减时间 of a substance is the time required for its concentration to decrease to 1/e its original value and gives an indication of the reactivity of the substance. Molecules with free electrons自由电子are called free radicals自由基 and are highly reactive 高活性. e 指数= 2.718281828…… π 圆周率 = 3…. 1.1 Basic Definitions Atmosphere 大气 =


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